

THIS IS MY SIXTH CROP now at week 6 plant all yellow ,leaves dying rapidly ,
plants look great but by 2nd week of flower they turn yellow from bottom up, to the point at 6 weeks they all yellow and dying leaves even on the tops , tried multiple changes to correct , changed food , tried all organic , canna , dnf, ,,,currently on R O well water , using cal-mag as well , grown in PRO-Mix

PH 5.8-6.5




Well-Known Member
What you see is the results of something that went wrong 7 to 14 days ago. Large fan leaves are old growth. New growth tells you whats happening right now. Buy the best food you can and stick with one style till you get it down solid. Your plants are not getting enough N in the diet your giving them, this can be from a number of reasons, I think with all the stuff you have been trying you have serious lock up.

This is what I would do

Start by giving them a good flush with 25% base nutrients, at least 2x the pot size in water for flush. You use nutrients because some elements lock up when other elements are not present, the 25% gets it all out and leaves your plants some food to get over the stress. When they dry out start feeding at 75% recommended but don't use the Cal-mag for at least a week so you can see what your plants are doing.

You might consider using some H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide 35%) do not use the 3% you can buy in the store. Do some reading on it and you will see why and how to use it. Great stuff around the house too.

Stop using the RO water. What is your PPM on the water that is not RO? I say stop as your in promix and the added minerals will be good for your plant, as long as your well water is not loaded with iron.

Pick a good food and stick with it, Canna, Dutch Mast, H&G and Botanacare Pro to name a few. Use Cal-mag at 1/2 recommended ever other feeding. If your leaves are a deep dark green your using to much Cal-mag.

I would recommend you use a mix of 50% promix, 25% coco and 25% worm castings, the worm castings will give you very happy plants and bug free.


untreated water i 570ppm and 7 ph , i dont think that prob cause all good in veg , from cutting i veg 7-8 weeks
all good till day 10-15 in flowerView attachment 2165491
this is barely 6 weeks flower butlook like this since week 3 flower