
can somebody help me asap !!! im pretty new to growing and my first plant is starting to develop yellow spots all over and the bottom leaves are starting to curl can some body help me where i went wrong !!!2012-08-12 10.35.56.jpg2012-08-12 10.39.16.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yellow spotting is usually caused by a major ph fluctuation. Much more information is needed:

What is your medium?
Are you using nutrients?
What is your water source?
Are you you pHing your water?
this plant is in soil and im using jungle juice grow micro bloom nutes and im using tap but my tap water comes from a well that has a RO water filter i tested the water without nutes it was about 5.5 without nutes with nutes looks like 6 - 6.5 but i dont have a ph meter i only have a ph kit that tests the water with tests strips so im not sure if the color of the nutes is afffecting the color of the test strips any suggestions should i flush and use half the suggested nutes ?


Well-Known Member
just hold back on the flushing just yet till we work out what the problems is as flushing might just irritate and make the problem worst till we know what were dealing with. also you need to let them dry out to. kae sure you always have a least a dry day in youre watering schedule and if the plant is to thirsty to allow this up youre pot seize. also i used the ph kits as a back up for when my meter goes and i know there not that accurate. even thou most soils are buffered if youre putting water/nutes in with different ph each watering you will cause a imbalance wich can give the above symptoms


Well-Known Member
youre stem is very under developed to and that why i wanted to see how tall the plant was as it might be struggling to uptake nutes to if its over stretched


Well-Known Member
op ive got to shoot. time fore feeding for my girls and im in coco and feed 3 times every other day so i need to go i send u a friends request and will be back on in a couple of hours if you still need help let me know
2012-08-12 17.59.43.jpg heres a pic of the whole plant its about 2 feet tall whatever is affecting it is killing it fast its been about 6 hours since i started this post and the plant looks worse the top is even starting to yellow and i got this plant from a friend a week ago that was using tap city water the plant had spider mites and other bugs so we got some organic pesticide and cleaned it up and it started doing better than out of the blue it started to develop the spotting and leaves curling so idk if the pesticide might thrown off the ph or what but like i said its on its way quick so any advice will help