
i am going to start my very first grow soon i managed to get some plant pots , soil and a 135 CFL light 5500k i am going to do it in my closet(bedroom), would that light be alright for 1plant , any advice please let me know , any other items i should get let me know aswell


Well-Known Member
More info would be nice. Is it 135 actual watts or replacement watts. Also what strain? I suggest more light and a nice veg time. If you have any specific questions feel free to message me.


Well-Known Member
eh, get like 6 of those bulbs. or as many as you can manage to plug in without blowing a breaker.
Other than that I would just run with it and learn as you go. Everyone is going to give you a different opinion as to what to buy and methods blabla bla.
Give it a shot and take pictures to share along the way.
135w is the actual watts 5500k , 670w or something like that was the equiv
going to do white widow seeds are still coming but i want to make my first grow a successful , i only want to do 1 or 2 plants would my light be ok for that ?


New Member
670 watts is more than enough to veg and flower 2 plants so if your light really is equivalent to that, you should be just fine!

My first indoor grow was in a closet with a 600w HID and 5 plants, worked great.

Make sure you have a game plan for the containers...are you going to re-pot at some point or toss them in big pots to begin with? I would (and do) start with root plugs (the pre-moistened kind) upside down, put seed in there in humidity dome ... Then to plastic cup with good light soil (I use Happy Frog) ... Then to 1 gallon pots (more Happy Frog) ... Then to 3 or 5 gallon pots depending on how big I want the plant to end up (FFOF is the soil used this time). While I'm transplanting into that pot, I take clones if applicable and do all my pre-flower pruning. Then veg for another week or two to recover, and then flower.
Point being, have your game plan for the whole grow in place ahead of time. For your closet grow, I'd say probably 2-3 gallon pots would be as big as you'll need.

Passive intake should be fine and any small circulating fan will do in there, but what about odor control? If it's going to be a concern for you, you'll need a carbon filter or some way to kill that smell.

And of course nutrients ... To include water ... Make sure your water is free from chlorine and chloramines. Get a filter or let it evaporate, whatever makes you feel good. I filter. Are you going organic or chemical? Pre-loaded soil or ?
Lots of options here, so figure out what direction you want to head and someone can help you...whether it be organic or chemical.

Also pick up some neem and plan your pest prophylaxis now. Set up a spray schedule (once a week or so) and stick with it. If done right, you shouldn't have any issues with pests or PM in flower (conditions granting of course).

That should get you going long enough to have some idle time while your new garden begins to flourish. Maybe you could use some of that time to do some reading ...