
Hello guys I'm in week 3 of veg and I sprayed my plant with green cleaner 2 days later alot of leafs started looking screwed uo I've never had a issue like this before I feed with the 2 part serious of general hydroponic idk anything about this help me out



Well-Known Member
Never heard of leaf cleaner..... Lots of things including pesticides, nutrients and probably leaf cleaner will burn your leafs under a light and should be applied just before lights out. I did it with a pyrethrum solution once. The affected leafs will not recover in most likely hood, I would concentrate on the new growth.

PS. Make sure your PH is in range and leaf cleaner sounds like snake oil to me and is unnecessary :)

Good luck buddy

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
the plant was obviously burned. Dont spray it again.

I would just leave the plant alone for a few days. Maybe spray with just water to rinse off any remaining residue.


Well-Known Member
There really is no need to mist the plant's ,unless your grow area is dusty.other than that don't bother unless needed then water no need for anything else.

This is a ideal thread on the point I was trying to show other day,most problems are caused by fussing too much just leave them be a bit of neglect,is good I have found.