


  • Ok im a newbie grower but have learned a lot on this website, im doing a stealth pc grow got the box all made up and the seeds are coming in the mail, i have acouple questions that i would appreciate to be answered

    -The different stages, how many stages of the plant are there and how do i tell when the plan is in a different stage?
    -How much water to add and when to add it? Like i know if its dry but im growing 2 plants in a 15x15x9 pc case, and want to know how long you think it will take the plants to soke up the water?
    -When do i apply nutrients? I have nutrients but im not sure if i should add them as soon as i plant the seeds or if i should wait for a certain time?
    -How long does drying the marijuana out take and how do you know when its done?
    -And is there something i can do that will make the plant grow no taller than 13 inches but instead have it bush out instead get tall?
    ThankYou so much i know this is a pain to answer all of these, but i would like to learn because i know im a newb like all of you used to be and i just need some good advice
