Hemp Fertilizer ?


New Member
Hello I have plenty of 100% natural hemp protein raw(GOOD Natural Hemp protein). Is there a use for the hemp protein ?? I think it can help cuz hemp=cannabis ... can i mix the protein with water and water the soil ?? What do u think guys let me know
Sry for english
Amino acids can be used but I don't think straight protein would be of any help. Besides, hemp protein is very costly so why throw it away? What you want is hydrolyzed protein, from a cheap source. I don't know exactly how helpful it would be but I know that some nutrient brands, like Advanced, add amino acids so I assume they have some benefit.
Amino acids can be used but I don't think straight protein would be of any help. Besides, hemp protein is very costly so why throw it away? What you want is hydrolyzed protein, from a cheap source. I don't know exactly how helpful it would be but I know that some nutrient brands, like Advanced, add amino acids so I assume they have some benefit.
Thanks i go to use it one time per two weeks mixed with water :) I write the results here when the grow is finished