Hempy Bucket


Active Member
I'm sure this could method could be adapted but the basics are definitely in this article.
I do not use this mehtod, I am just posting this because I could not find any real article on this method here at rollitup, just references to the method.
If an article exists here, then I apologize for not being able to find it, and give props to the author. Please post a link in this thread so that others may read and compare.

The original thread can be found here on greenpassions site:

Thank you to the original author HeadPawThead Greenpassion
forums https://www.rollitup.org/images/smilies/gc.gif

"Get a bucket.

The size of the bucket can vary from 1gal(4lt) to 5gal(20lt).

The preferred size is a 2.5gl bucket, which can yeild up to 14oz depending on the strain and Pheno.

Drill a drain hole in the side of the bucket about 2 inches from the bottom.

The drain hole should be 7/16".

The grow medium is perlite/vermiculite.

3 parts perlite to 1 part vermiculite.

You can use volcanic rocks but the perlite/vermiculite is the preferred method.

Once you have your seedling sprouted fill the bucket with plain water every day until the tap root has reached the standing water that always remains in the bottom of the bucket. this will take about 10-14 days after the bean sprouts, in a 2.5 gl bucket.

Once you see three sets of leaves, water with 1/2 strength nutrient solution. This will be about 14 days after you bean has sprouted.

Completely fill the Hempy Bucket with plain water, every two days.

Use water that has been open overnight to allow the chlorine to escape, unless you can afford to buy filtered or distilled water.. Do not adjust the plain water for ph.

Put 2gls of water in a 2.5gl bucket, and let stand overnight. Add the nutrient solution to this water bucket and then adjust the ph to 6.0 For best results use an accurate ph meter and follow the nutes mfg reccomended amounts very carefully. Use precise measuring devices to make your nute solution.

Fill the Hempy Bucket with 2 gls of nutes you mixed, once a week, unless the plant shows sign of needing more.

Feeding twice a week with 1/2 strenght nutes is a better idea than feeding full strenght nute once a week.

The strenght of your nutes depends on several factors such as how much light you have, humidity, CO2, strain your growing.

One drawback is having to hand water every 2 days, of course you could get an irrigation system set up for your buckets.

The biggest drawback to me, is the runoff. "