Here to help and to learn!


Active Member
The RIU community has been very kind to me over the last couple of years and I want to continue sharing my knowledge and skills with everyone.
I am a grower that is still learning, and working to achieve a 'sweet' grow room set up. It takes time. I'm not much for taking pictures but hope to get there someday also.
BUT I do have skills to share with people on the Forum. I spent many years working in an analytical laboratory and have experience with writing and teaching basic compliance related tests such as pH, chlorine, conductivity, temperature, total dissolved solids, and dissolved oxygen. I am familiar with chemical (think grow food, guano, ewc) storage, measurement, and disposal.
I have researched new and existing equipment, performed routine maintenance, and troubleshooting. I know how to use measurement glassware such as graduated cylinders and the difference between liquid and solids measurements.
I also have experience with outside regulatory agencies such as the state health department, EPA, etc. I have sooo much to share. And I am a dedicated researcher when it comes to finding solutions and discerning between truth and myth. I give credit to others and try to give fair consideration to those who disagree. And those that know more (and there are many) have my utmost respect and attention.
I give credit to others and try to give fair consideration to those who disagree. And those that know more (and there are many) have my utmost respect and attention.
What more could the community ask for? Look forward to your posts!!
I as well feel like I am in some sort of debt to RIU for helping me sooo much through the last couple years. I now am getting pretty consistent with the quality of each harvest but I can't wait until I can afford bigger lights and more high quality meters/testers. Now it's my turn to be a part of the community and help/learn as much as I can. I grew up on a farm and have always been around gardening and it's always came natural, but growing indoor and using coco coir has a bit of a learning curve for sure.
It would be awesome to help the medical community and that's my main goal as of right now. Though first is to get out of my cold long winters to some place fairly warm yr round so outdoor harvests are more worth the sweat. I lived in Kona thru 2011 and worked at a motorcycle dealership; I would have really liked to try growing outdoor there but never had a chance.
I will keep you in mind if I have any questions related to water and such.
Take it easy!

...dang i'm not even learning how to roll yet...gotta get to posting but priorities get me.
The RIU community has been very kind to me over the last couple of years and I want to continue sharing my knowledge and skills with everyone.
I am a grower that is still learning, and working to achieve a 'sweet' grow room set up. It takes time. I'm not much for taking pictures but hope to get there someday also.
BUT I do have skills to share with people on the Forum. I spent many years working in an analytical laboratory and have experience with writing and teaching basic compliance related tests such as pH, chlorine, conductivity, temperature, total dissolved solids, and dissolved oxygen. I am familiar with chemical (think grow food, guano, ewc) storage, measurement, and disposal.
I have researched new and existing equipment, performed routine maintenance, and troubleshooting. I know how to use measurement glassware such as graduated cylinders and the difference between liquid and solids measurements.
I also have experience with outside regulatory agencies such as the state health department, EPA, etc. I have sooo much to share. And I am a dedicated researcher when it comes to finding solutions and discerning between truth and myth. I give credit to others and try to give fair consideration to those who disagree. And those that know more (and there are many) have my utmost respect and attention.

Hard to say welcome to RIU to someone who has been here longer than I, but, welcome anyway :)
I know of a couple other chemists around here. You'll be in great company, so welcome aboard! (oh and I'm not one of them, LOL)
Thanks everyone, for all that. There are a lot of really smart people on rui. I get lost in some of the technical explanations sometimes, so I totally understand how utterly confusing and complicated things can get. And how difficult it sometimes is to follow another persons train of thought. There are many roads to oz but only one is paved in gold. Pretty deep, huh? LOL.

BTW I had composed an explanation on weighing and/or measuring solids and liquids, but I don't know if it is safe to post a word.doc. Or if the document will carry secure file info with it into the post at rui. If someone would direct me to the right thread/post I could try to get it on here... somewhere. Or advise me what the best way is to write and post something that may take many hours of thought and editing.