heres to hoping i never buy a bag of bullshit ever again.


Well-Known Member
Sooooo I've been posting here and there the last few days, but mostly just soaking up all of the great information that all you smart, stoned mother fuckers are delving out. But let me get back to the beginning of my story... all started when I was 5. My dad went out for scratchers one night and must've won, BC he never came back (yeah I know, I stole that joke from iron man. Seriously tho).

OK so I guess I'll start a little later. I grew up in a part of the country where weed might as well be crack. The sad thing is, most of the people who condemn the dried flower know very little about it, and haven't ever seen it--let alone smoked it--unless they found it in their son's pants pockets when they were checking them before the laundry (sorry mom xD). And so around (t)here, people think that weed destroys familys-- and it does, really. Nowadays there are more and more families that are missing pieces BC of some dumb arrest involving a half ounce of weed or less. Or like the custody hearing where the xanax-zombie mother gets full custody BC her piss is clean in 3 days, but the dads bong rips from last week still showed up. At practically any courthouse in any county around, you can sit in on some cases on "Marijuana arrests" day and watch the Constitution get shit on, on a daily basis.

It leads to a situation where the people profiting are the drug dealers and the courthouses, and the drug dealers only get the good stick half the time.

There's been good nug around, but where there are masses of people there will be a large demand for weed, and it has to come from somewhere, so mostly less than stellar outdoor seedless shit is basically all that's around, unless you are a cool guy.

But even the coolest of Fonzies have those days where they wake up, ready to spark up that golden chunk of crystal verdure, only to reach into his pocket and pull out a bag of sticks and seeds that makes the guys on reefer madness look like your best option next time.

And thats what brings me here. I've known for quite some time that my happiness in life simply does not exist without marijuana. I love the plant; I love the look, and the smell. I love the taste, and the buzz. It only makes sense for me to commit the rest of my life to learning everything I can about this amazing damn plant.

Hopefully, one day the closed-minded, brained washed people of this world who blindly hate weed will slowly sift out. Or maybe eventually all weed smokers, and even non smokers will have enough, and finally be sick enough of seeing good, innocent people get locked away in a cage for promoting one of gods greatest gifts, that they all banded together and stood up against the biggest form of organized crime-the biggest gang I know--the government.

Alright, that felt good. I have to say, the country is making great strides and we are definitely closer than we ever were before, but there is still way too much of an injustice going on in the places that are behind the movement. Until those places catch up, Im gonna take God up on his offer and get a few girls in my closet.

My name is Forrest, and I'm a biochemistry major and an avid marijuana snob. If anybody hung in there til the end then rock on! I didn't expect you to, but I'm glad that you did. At the end of the day, I know I'm in the right place, and it feels awesome.

Now if my damn seeds would just get here so I can quit making these long ass posts.