Here's what happens after decades of uninterrupted democrat party rule!


New Member
i bet condi rice's friend thought she was crazy when she called him and told him not to fly on 911.

you think this world isnt controlled, and the wars and big events arent controlled?

you think the world leaders are going to let a date like 2012 slip by without making a prophesy come true to re instill faith of all the idiots they are having trouble controlling lately?

and before you start bragging about money and being offshore... realize... youre like a kid with a civic bragging to a guy with a ferrari.

i used to debate in republicans favor...

now i realize... there are tradeoffs in all thigns...

and the only real goal to keeping this world interesting is to preserve variety itself... republican, democrat, white, black... etc... every team... needs an opposing team... or else there would be no one left to blame...

and the loser individuals wouldnt focus on the teams... and instead would realize they as an individual are losing, and they would envy all who have more than them.

the only way to keep the envy in check, and the darwinism from going backwards...

is to create many many teams on foolish ideals... and then the losers SUPPORT the winning individuals and suck the cock of the individuals who are on their team... who have more than themselves.

its a pre planned global illusion. this is not intelligent lifes first rodeo. This world is how the world leaders keep the idiots killing mainly idiots .... via a thing called war.... and keeping those idiots in the mindset where they are ready to take a bullet for the higher up individuals on their team.

frankly, if that doenst penetrate your death star... bummer, your brain is missing a few circuts.... but dont worry, youre not alone


Well-Known Member
sherri..please take the time to put your incoherent thoughts into an organized manner...not just type everything that comes to mind. its posts like that that will get people to just skip over your posts completely. I don't want to spend a half hour trying to find meaning from your rambling...neither do others.


New Member
I already skip over them....incoherent and drivel mostly.

try starting with things you know to be true, beyond ur political conclusions, and work out from there.

Hint: Follow numbers more than words and ur halfway there. Of course you may have to put up with NOT being a liberal anymore, since they have no numbers on their side which can stand up to scrutiny.


Well-Known Member
Oh, this looks like a fun match... who can out crazy the other one... cleavage guy opens with 'Liberals are destroying us' card... then sherri counters with 'Liberals and Republicans are destroying us'. Will Cleavage guy (isn't that the same avatar Milton Friedman uses?) be able to come back or will sherriberry out conspiracy theory him?

Let's watch and find out...


Well-Known Member
Well DamnI gotta work and I'm really good at what I do...Time to take another drug test,,Thanks Repukes, another tax on the poor,,cause I will pass:-P:weed:
I thought California had a Republican governer? The Terminator:clap:,,,Not only that but Your Repukes Hero Ronald Regan, California should be straight up:o


New Member
Yeppers ... Ahhnold is a Republican, but he's married to a Kennedy. Go Republican-lite, sweetie, or no nooky. :lol:

Here's some great news for the socialist crowd: If/when the present health care bill passes, and if/when Bush's tax cuts are allowed to expire, Californians will be subject to a 55% tax rate. This takes into consideration our recent 10% rate hike. Just think, you Marxist pigs ... you only have another 45% to go before you have completely, economically enslaved, every citizen in the Golden State. Bah ... and a pox on you all.


Well-Known Member
Yeppers ... Ahhnold is a Republican, but he's married to a Kennedy. Go Republican-lite, sweetie, or no nooky. :lol:

Here's some great news for the socialist crowd: If/when the present health care bill passes, and if/when Bush's tax cuts are allowed to expire, Californians will be subject to a 55% tax rate. This takes into consideration our recent 10% rate hike. Just think, you Marxist pigs ... you only have another 45% to go before you have completely, economically enslaved, every citizen in the Golden State. Bah ... and a pox on you all.
Could the reason being, That the Rupukes ran California into the ground anything less that Toatal Bankruptcy? The fed has to bail there corupt asses out?????


New Member
Could the reason being, That the Rupukes ran California into the ground anything less that Toatal Bankruptcy? The fed has to bail there corupt asses out?????
This is a joke, right? Please ... tell me you're joking.

The Democrat Party owns California and has for decades. fuk ... just look at the hold the unions have on the public employees at the expense of business and the taxpayers. Look at their retirement packages. Look at the corruption in Sacramento.

If nothing else, take a look at what's happening in the Central Valley. The food basket of America is all dried up because of the pinko-environmentalists lobbying to save a minnow ... a fucking minnow over the well being of humans. As a result, there is a 40% unemployment in that area and farmers ... yes, farmers, are standing in line for government food handouts.

And by the way, I have no love for the Republican Party ... but the Democrats have lost their collective ... err ... collectivist minds.


New Member
Try reading the article before you post peach.

Ur living in a dream world if you think the Repukes have influence in cali.

the Dem's have run that state INTO THE GROUND. Did you look at next years shortfall? :roll:

Ahnold, once the echos of his campaign speeches faded, found out that any of his ideas had to go through the political machine of the Dem's.

End result, complete failure. Ahnold is a failure, and no conservative, which is exactly what Cali needs. Someone has got to stop the economic bleeding.

This is the national future under the current administration. It's in the cards now. The only question is how long the damage will last and how much is reversible as opposed to permanent.


New Member
I see the state employee's unions as being the biggest threat to California's future. Even if we have a complete Republican/Conservative take-over in 2010, how in the world will drastic cuts in the government work force take place? Can you imagine 500,000 government tax consumers marching and rioting in the streets? Government Welfare Whores don't go down easily, especially when they are making six-figure incomes, have tenure and looking forward to gilded retirement benefits.


Well-Known Member
Yea, could be a problem,,,but when the wastefull whores who actually keep your streets in shape and work are laid off,,your still left with the problem, Your elected leaders. catch 22.
It's easy to blame Unions and government, when it comes down to it To me it's Pure capitalism money buy's power, Think "Enron":weed:


New Member
Some folks just don't have a foundational knowledge to understand political issues.

Peach, ur hopelessly lost in misinformation.


Active Member
in the past 100 years California has had only three democratic party governors.
It has had a Republican controlled legislatrure for at least a decade, now.
scapegoat fail.
may as well have ended the discussion after this post.
scapegoat fail indeed.


Well-Known Member
From a lifetime of figuring out how to separate the words from the action.
lol... me too, strange how we come to opposite conclusions... it's almost as if personnel opinion doesn't always lead you too the truth!
(It helps to have lasers in your eyes too, don't you find...)

Seriously where do you get facts/information/knowledge beside through your third eye.