Heres where im at. Help me out.


Hey everyone i've just decided to start my first grow and where better to get help then Rollitup! (First post too haha)

I'm going hydroponics, HPS/LED.

I just bought a GH Waterfarm 8 pack, 4x 90 Watt UFO LED Lights. All this shit was brand new and only cost me around 600 bucks. I cant decide what room to use yet, I have a...

11 x 11 room: no carpet, 2 windows, gets hit buy sun almost all day making it kinda warm up there.


6 x 11 room: carpet would it be alright to staple a thick plastic sheet down over it? One window and only gets sun late afternoon-sunset, walls painted white but may get Mylar not sure yet.

What room you think I should use?

I also need help and tips about the waterfarm, I've got the general idea of what im going to be doing kinda haha but ill ask questions later as I get shit rolling.

Ohhh and my strain is Bubba Kush... MMMMMMMmmmmM kush...



Active Member
If you are using LEDs you won't have to worry much about heat or about Mylar.

Pick the room that you can make the darkest and keep the coolest.