herm issues

Independent counsel

Active Member
Can the red light off of fan and power strip cause hermies in Fem seeds during the first 2 week of flower? I first noticed my power strip light was way bright some time into the veg cycle, a week or 2 in. I fixed it, and moved on. Then 1-1.5 week into the flower period I noticed my fan in the flower room was shooting off a way bright red light ( had tape over it but it slipped off.). Can this be enough to cause the girls to herm. both instances the light was pretty bright for having to be completely dark. All other issues like temps, light leaks from the outside coming in, etc have all been covered. It has to be these lights fuckin up the dark periods from the inside. give me some input from your experiences I really appreciate it!!!

FEM seeds were from Reserva and DNA's tude promo. out of 7 fem seeds, 2 seem good (La COnf and Headband) . They are 2 weeks and 3 days old exactly. I was really expecting more from them.


Well-Known Member
first off sunni says you made more than one post...dont do that shit its annoying and you take up all the recent post slots...second thing, the guy above me is an optomist, ive seen the light from a surge protector cause a pollen sack so electric tape that shit up asap!! as a rule of thumb i always sit in my room on the first night of 12/12 and make sure the light goes off on time and that i cant see a damn thing even after like two minutes, also be their first morning to make sure it turns back on at the right time..light and dark periods with total dark are key!


Well-Known Member
im double postiiiin they hatiiin, patrolin tryin catch me postin dirty...lol i dont even like rap but i think a recent commercial has polluted my brain :wall:


New Member
I know what commercial you're talking about... Funny cuz fuck if I remember what the commercial was advertising; all I remember is some soccer mom riding around in that guys car playing that shit.

Still it has to be better than those god awful torn vaginal mesh or jg wentworth commercials... but I have to admit I do remember what those commercials advertise, although they still fail horribly at the task of getting my business. Not that I need to sue anyone for my torn vagina.

Independent counsel

Active Member
sorry about that guys wont happen again your input in appreciated PEACE!!

PS u think trimming and prunning during week 1.5 and week 2 of flower can cause herms. I prunned and trimmed one day at like week 1.5 or so and 3 days later 5 out of the 7 were showing herm or male traits. They are fem seeds.


Well-Known Member
depends what you mean by trimming...also depends on the company you got the beans from because some are notorious for herms as it is. you should not trim anything while in flower ill tell you that much. aside from like pulling off garbage growth or a leaf here or their but not like straight prune the plant or top anything. pics? what do you mean by male "traits" do you have pollen sacks or not?

Independent counsel

Active Member
HEy kermit2692 ,Yes!! 5 of the plants were herms. All 5 had naners, Some had more than others. I spent time making sure no light leaks were going in before hand. It had to come from the inside. Looks like my fans bright light was the culprit, and possible timming the leaves at week 1.5. I say trim I mean sick fan leaves and prunning the bottom growth(a lot) so no pop corn buds grow, so I guess I did prune them. No topping though. I dont have pics but I found tons of pics on google that looks like what I was workin with. Trashed those and have a LA CON and Headband left. Those look good, no nanners, or nothing funny looking. they did pause their growth for a couple days after the trim but now bud sites are looking and going strong. They look good and I look at them everyday just to catch something bad before hand. I dont want to say it was the genetics becasue It possibly could have been my fault. BUt i have heard mixed reviews about Reserva and Dna genetics Fem seeds. But I also hear good things, so after I get everything dialed in. I may try them again. For now I have fixed the issues, and any problems from here on out have to be genetics. Got some Og raskal Fire and WIFI ogs germin. So hopefully my next post will be a positive one with some good info on the raskals. THANKS FOR THE REPLYS !!


Independent counsel

Active Member
all plants ended up hermies some turned sooner than others. I will retry same strains now that everyhting is dialed in correctly. Expensive lesson learned PEACE!!