herm vs pollination?


Well-Known Member
Might sound kinda dumb but are there any differences between how a hermed plant looks in comparison to a pollinated plant? i believe i saw a "bananna" on one of my "ladies" and was wondering whats the deal. Any macro pic or info of herm/pollinated plant would be great +rep. Also can i pluck the bananna off and just hope for no more pop out? i wouldnt want to ruin my harvest with seedy buds but shes looooks sooo amazing and frosty it would be a shame to have to kill her....

trichlone fiend

New Member
...when talk'n about a pollinated plant, it's usually a female that has been pollinated by a male and the outcome will be seeds. A hermie shares both sexes, as you may know, and will produce pollen sacs alone side buds. If your seeing the "bananas", you have a hermie and it has already released it's pollen, and you will have seeds, it doesn't mean you'll have massive amounts, but plan on pick'n some.


Well-Known Member
I found those pics when I was researching the same subject as I had a hermie that pollinated all 7 of my plants. The info I read with that pic was that it was a seeded plant and the reason it was used was the coloring so I am pretty sure its all seeds...



Well-Known Member
its so obvious when u have a hermi, the buds will be about 1/4 the size they should be if they werent seeded for one x D