Hermaphrodites pollinating auto-flowering plants! Help!

Pedro Pereira

Active Member
I have 12 Autoflowering plants in the end of the cycle and 18 regular plants that became hermaphrodites...
They are now in the 5th week of flowering and i spoted some seeds on the regulars and also on the autos... what should i do... kill em all or harvest the autos and let the hermies go until the end?
I wanted to introduce some more plants once the autos were done. Will they be polinated as well if i insert them in a couple of weeks?
Does the polen stays viable that long?IMG_20200516_035908.jpgIMG_20200516_035800.jpgIMG_20200516_035903.jpgIMG_20200516_035908.jpg


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Well-Known Member
Depending on how far you are into flower would be a determining factor for me in terms of letting them finish, just be ready for a crap load of seeds, but the weed will still get you high. Secondly, once you harvest, in the event you do, mix a 1:1 ratio of bleach and water. Remove everything in the tent. Spray the entire inside of the tent with the mixture. Wet a cloth with the same mixture and wipe down fans, pots, cords, everything that was in the tent. Pollen is so small and light it gets EVERYWHERE! If you aren’t exhausting outside, make sure to also wipe down the walls and everything in the room the tent is in. Once the tent air dries, repeat this process 2 more times. After that last spray application, don’t put anything else in the tent for at least 2-3 weeks. Seal it up and just wait till the time to past. Trust me, I had hermies and didn’t follow these directions and sure enough, my next harvest was pollinated. Just trying to help you prevent the same mistake I made.