hermaphrodites- quick question


Well-Known Member
If I ordered like 5 feminized seeds, and just started mass cloning (once big enough) until I had around a desired number of plants, then what would be the next step:

Will I need to flower (in a separate room) one clone from each of the 5 strains to check if any are hermies? Is that how it works? Find a hermie, kill all it's clones?

Also, if the clones all do indeed turn out to be females, then does this mean that _all_ future clones off the original mother plant will always be female as well (never herm.) ?


Well-Known Member
Plants can be stressed and produce hermies. I have heard that feminized seeds tend to have a larger percentage of hermies but I have not had that issue so far.

You will need to flower in a seperate area or your "mothers" will flower also. Generally folks keep the mother in veg and take the clone.

Just take your clones and assume they will be females. Keep an eye out for any banana balls once you go into flowering.

Now as I said you can take a clone off a female plant and it can get stressed enough to become hermie. Just do your best not to stress out your plants and keep an eye out when in flowering. There are some strains that seem to hermi late into flowering especially fem seeds.

A clone has the exact genetic make up as the mother. So it will be female unless stressed


Well-Known Member
ur way off gangagodess ive continually made and grown feminezed seeds and never had a problem with a hermie (meaning never had a hermie) if i did i would kill it.

any way the best way to make fem seeds is light poisoning, then storing the pollen to brush on selected buds.

and its not male pollen its female cuz there is no y chromo
most people assume if they see a pollen sac on their flower its a hermie when many time they may have jus opened th door to the grow or accidently turned on a light or sumtin. alot of people talk about hermies but true haermies dont really happen that often.


Well-Known Member
If you have properly feminized seeds from a reputable breeder, your chances of getting an actually genetic hermie (As opposed to a forced hermie) are no higher than with regular seeds.
I've grown many feminized seeds and the only hermies i've ever had have been from bagseed.

Just carry on as if your plants are all going to be female. Treat them good, watch for light leaks during dark time. Obviously you always want to keep an eye out for staminate growth (balls), but dont stress yourself out worrying about it.

If your plants are genetically female, then all future clones from it will also be female. BUT, you can still stress any plant into pushing out a few nanners if you don't treat it nice.


Well-Known Member
well people i got white widow and cheese feminised greenhose seed co, and after spending nearly 7 months on them have had to take them off a week early cause we noticed the beautiful buds were filling up with seeds.
why is this , anyone got an opinion.


Well-Known Member
some times u may have interrupted the night cycle of your flowering room and this can stress ur plant to produce female pollen. its most likely not a hermie so dont throw it away if its a good strain. use those seeds cuz thier feminzed


Well-Known Member
still good bud but got a few buds full of seeds the cheese only had 1 or 2 but was splendid