Hermie 7 weeks in flower :(


I found an open pollen sack on one of the lower bud sites (not pictured) and I have another plant next to it that I think has a week or 2 left. Both are random bagseed What should I do with my Hermie, will it be okay to leave it? It was only one sack
Will my other plant be okay?



Active Member
Pluck nannas off and finish as normal and avoid all things you read on hermies, just about every first time grower goes on about it but only a few really understand the situation :-)
King grow can't you enlighten me a little bit I've got a plant and when I open up the calyxes there appears to be like an immature seed in there , I have one plant and I have looked for ages but I can't see naners or balls just swollen calyxes that when I open up have what appears to be immature seeds in , ime four weeks in and was pretty gutted upon discovery


Well-Known Member
King grow can't you enlighten me a little bit I've got a plant and when I open up the calyxes there appears to be like an immature seed in there , I have one plant and I have looked for ages but I can't see naners or balls just swollen calyxes that when I open up have what appears to be immature seeds in , ime four weeks in and was pretty gutted upon discovery
I think you should leave your plant alone to finish. Either they arent seeds and your mistaking calyx structure or your gona get a few seeds and theres nothing you can do about it and it will still be some great bud :-)


Active Member
I think you should leave your plant alone to finish. Either they arent seeds and your mistaking calyx structure or your gona get a few seeds and theres nothing you can do about it and it will still be some great bud :-)
Cheers kingrow I read your reply on my mini panic thread I appreciate your fast response and advice


Well-Known Member
Cheers kingrow I read your reply on my mini panic thread I appreciate your fast response and advice
Sorry i didnt realize that was you but you get the point and although it sounds harsh you will learn better for just letting them go till harvest :-)


Active Member
Sorry i didnt realize that was you but you get the point and although it sounds harsh you will learn better for just letting them go till harvest :-)
Definitely man , I start my plant science degree in September and there's some hydro modules in there so with abit of luck it might help further my hobby , Ile can take the plant on the chin as you say in the name of learning and progress. Cheers king