Hermie? 7 weeks into flower


Active Member
Is this a hermie?

If so you think I should just harvest the bitch? She is 8 days into her 14 day flush so the harvest would only be a week early.Send To Phone
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Active Member
I cant personally tell if its a hermie, but if you think it is, chop it NOW. Else you will get raped with seeds, dont even bother trying to pull the male flowers off. A week early on a harvest isnt bad, but save yourself the pain and harvest it now.


Well-Known Member
those are def. male flowers ready to pop some pollen. just went through it. if this is your only one, let her finish the flush-not much is gonna happen. if there are other females-be very careful and remove it immediately. also think about where you are gonna clip her b/c you will undoubtofdly get pollen floating around so make sure it is way away from everything and sterilize the shit out of yourself when done-we take a nice lysol bath.


Well-Known Member
Yea. Hermie.

If that's your only plant then I suggest you just grow it out.You should still get some decent bud, if a bit seedy.

If you've got other females in the room then you might want to yank it to stop it pollinating them.

In fact, that is a really great picture of a hermie. It's worth saving that pic for other people so when they ask "is my plant a hermie" you can whip it out and say "does it look like this?"