hermie help


Well-Known Member
quick couple questions

i have a hermie. it showed seeds a few days ago. the plant was transplanted a few days b4 the seeds came so i feel it was caused do to stress. if this is the case am i safe as far as the clone that i have of this plant ? the clone was taken bout 2 months ago.

the plant that went hermie had been budding nicly for bout 3weeks then it was transplanted cause i suspected root bound. the seeds came 3 days later...once again i ask. is my clone safe ???


Well-Known Member
Huh? It made seeds and that's how you know it's a hermaphrodite? Something's backwards here.

Either way, if you've cloned a plant that later goes on to make a hermaphrodite, the chances are excellent that the clone, too, will become a hermaphrodite.