Hermie Help!!!


Active Member
Well its about 7.5 weeks into flowering and i noticed one of the ladies looked a little differnt, and after further inspection i thought it might be hermie. I cut it down regardless. Here are a few pics to see what you think. They have lots of thc built up, but i think if i dry this it might have alot of premature seeds in it... hmmm. plus i think this one gave the rest of the plants seeds as well. i need some serious advice. if i don't smoke these (which i don't think im going too) can i use this plant for hash, butter, or oil? they are sticky and fruity smelling.
HELP PLEASE! :joint: :peace:



Well-Known Member
it will be fine.....keep the seeds for next harvest and smoke the bud..its still quality bud..


Active Member
How do you think this one will effect the others? I have found a few seeds. I don't know if you can tell exactly from these pics but there are a ton of just seeds all over this plant. It seems to me that every bud is just like seeds with hair growing out of them.. should i post more pics? these seeds that i pick out are pretty mature too.


Well-Known Member
If i were you I wouldnt keep any seeds due to the fact that they also have Hermie genetics,the bud should be ok and other than a random seed or two maybe more your other plants should be fine


Active Member
hmmm. in that first picture there are about 20 seeds in just that bud. it seems the buds are made up of seeds unless i am confused or something..... its like underdeveloped seeds with hairs growing out of them. not really buds just seed pockets with hairs. can anyone back that up? Its really strange though for sure. i picked a bud off and cut it up and it didn't seem like there was anything there but immature seeds....
please help


Active Member
oh yeah and the buds on these plants don't seem to get fatter just taller with more seeds. real skinny tall buds. no more then a finger wide.


hmmm. in that first picture there are about 20 seeds in just that bud. it seems the buds are made up of seeds unless i am confused or something..... its like underdeveloped seeds with hairs growing out of them. not really buds just seed pockets with hairs. can anyone back that up? Its really strange though for sure. i picked a bud off and cut it up and it didn't seem like there was anything there but immature seeds....
please help
thats what the calyx does, (calyx is the thing w/the hairs) its function is to collect pollen w/the hairs to start forming a seed in the calyx. when there is no pollen present, the calyx swells up with resin instead of seed. so its normal


Well-Known Member
do you know how you got seeds? and your other bud probably has seeds too.If that one does then the others will too,there probably burried a little better.I had that happened to me before,3 weeks before harvest boom there they are ,seeds in all my shit. still good bud. I moved mine about 4 weeks before harvest,and I think it stressed them,and gave me seeds ,or it could of been pollination from the other room.