Hermie or full female **help***


Active Member
im not sure and i dont want to leave it in with my for sure female seems like this one is taking a lot longer to bud then the other one i have no other questions other then your opinion on is this a hermie or a female... you can see the hairs shooting out at the top nodes but then i got these lil ball type deals but im not sure if its the thing that the hairs shoot out of (inexperienced) and it doesnt look anything like the male that i killed a week ago which had cluster of lil balls so please give me your honest opinion i do not want to ruin my for sure cuz she is looking beautiful.. Thanks maleorfee3.jpg


RIU Bulldog
Unless those are nubs at the bottom of the picture, it doesn't look like it's shown sex yet. Maybe post some more pics?


Active Member
Dude you cant see the white hairs at the top nodes shooting out? yea its kinda hard to see in this pic but im talking about those 2 lil Balls on the lower nodes in the pic


Well-Known Member
Looks like a hermie to me. The arrow at the bottom looks pretty damn close to a pollen sack, and I see a big ass hair at the top.


Active Member
If it's feminized you got 20% chance for hermies, seeds will be sterile, no change in quality...less yeild.


Active Member
my prob is i cant tell if those are calyx on those bottom nodes in the second pic... there isnt a cluster of balls just one and isnt that what the Calyx is? Sorry for asking so many questions im just worried lol


Well-Known Member
Looks too narrow to be a calyx. Also in my grows calyxes don't form that big that fast, UNLESS they are right under the nodes I believe. A calyx is going to have no ridges where a pollen sack will have almost a bunch of lines in it because it is an actual flower, and those lines will open up.


Active Member
IMG_1161.jpgthis is the for sure female shes already doing her thing but the other one is far behind with the same conditions, KILL THE OTHER ONE THEN?


Active Member
and they only had about 3 week of veg then i switched to 12/12 wanted to try to stay as small as possible and i didnt see any of those signs im seeing on the for sure female... so i guess ima kill it


Well-Known Member
noo dont cut relax those may only be infant calyxes. ther undeveloped.... I ALMOAST CUT MY PLANT before i found out it turned out to be female and not herm but its def looked like balls so wait for hairs to pop from them than if not more balls will appear than cut before they open up and dump pollen. unless u want feminised seeds


Active Member
Yea i was just doing more research and im not going to cut, Because i cut a male down a week ago and it doesnt look anything like this, i just wanted opinions and i appreciate them everyone.... There are only the single "balls" or Calyx on each node so it just doesnt convince me its a male but im not fully convinced its a full female because my for sure is flowering all crazy.... Maybe shes just not getting as much light or something is going on in the soil..