Hermie pollen issue. To what extent does it travel?


New Member
Been having an issue that's really starting to get to me. I have atleast 5 successful grows in which I produced some solid product with great affects. Never once came across a seed in my harvest or a hermie in my room. However since then that is no longer the case. My past 3 grows have both gone hermie on me. The plants have hermied pretty early in flower recently so I removed 3 plants of the affected strain leaving me with one plant. Now approaching the seventh week flower with the last plant I have noticed that this too has hermied. I have not been able to find any nanners at all but I can see that there is some spots I can see the little seed clusters inside of. The color always sticks out. I'm wondering if pollen from the first grow that hermied on me (in March/2014) could still be lingering around causing all grows since to result the same way. I know that pollen spreads and the room would have to be cleaned as well as all equipment. My room is off of my kitchen which I leave the door open to for good air flow. So with the fans blowing in my room at all times does that mean the pollen would have been blown out and around the house. Does the whole house need to be cleaned or how do I go about make sure that there is absolutely no pollen that will put my next crop at jeopardy. I am so sick of hermies.

That's was the setup. 4 plant scrog under 2 600w HPS. After removing 3 it is now 1 plant and 1 600w HPS.

Anybody whose experienced/knows how to resolve this please share your approach. This needs to stop. thanks

