Hermie pollinated my feminized seeds unexpectedly

:leaf::') "Hermie plant with a small count of male flowers:o, pollinated plants that were from :wall:feminized seeds."
Question:"What will be the seed genetic outcome?"
Will the seeds carry the hermie' genetic within?:???: Or Will get feminized seeds only.


Well-Known Member
U will get 99 percent females. If anyone tells u different they r full of shit!! Trust me ive got a sack from last year.. So far all females.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about 99 percent females since both parents have the hermie trait. Shouldn't have any males though, just females and hermies.


Well-Known Member
I've heard the same thing. What I'm not clear on, and I've heard different opinions on this, is Will the plants run from hermied plants seeds have a higher likelihood of eventually herming due to its genetics as well?
And would it or does it matter the reason the source plant hermied in the first place? So as to say " It hermied because of light leeks during flower" or " It hermied because of bad genetics"


Well-Known Member
Hes got a point. Bsicay if its a legit strain and not a bad seed. Ur shit is good to go..