Hermie = SEEDY BUD


Well-Known Member

sorry for no pics, its a rule around here, i found a hermie a couple months back, separated it from others and have posted its amazing success around here,

well heres the update.

single cola plant like the big end of the baseball bat, 24" tall in a 6" round pot, was watching the trics, and noticed the catalysts exploding after my overdrive feeding, hmm must be almost ready! NEXT DAY the exterior of the bud stick is coated with SEEDS! i pulled one off, it exploded in my fingertips... im on week 7 now, started flushing, do i have to wait now for these damn seeds to ripen before i harvest this mongaloid? the bud feels "Ripe" and hard

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
I'd personally say keep it going to get the seeds in the end rather than the smoke, soak them in colloidal siilver they should be female rather than hermie

But, its your choice...you could give it another week and see if you can get the best of both worlds?


New Member
I'd personally say keep it going to get the seeds in the end rather than the smoke, soak them in colloidal siilver they should be female rather than hermie

But, its your choice...you could give it another week and see if you can get the best of both worlds?
arite fella, wots ur experience with seeds come from a herm then?? fem? male? herm?

most people say that theyr useless???

i have 2 bigbud in that came from bud, i found the seed in my bud and planted them, theyr doing realy well but im yet to sex them, im gunna wait untill they show mw the pre=flower to see woy they are?????????? wots ur expeience?

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Well...I've got little experience I'll be honet - but I've heard they're female, my 2 regular seeds after Colloidal silver are BOTH female so, if you can leave it seperate from the others...if not then just do what ya feel


Well-Known Member
hermies produce seeds that are about 50%female, 30% hermie, 20%male from personal exp and everything i have researched on the subject. Many seed companies will make their fem seeds by releasing a hermie into the grow room of females.


Well-Known Member
jeez!!! how many exploded sacks would it take to pollinate a grow? i had a single sack pop in my grow, will i get seeds on my buds like this? The sack popped at night with no fan and i issolated immiediately in the morning.


Well-Known Member
hopefuly not having the fan on will save you a bit, might get some seeds on the nearby plants though sry man


Well-Known Member
Im gonna let the seeds ripen, this will still be decent smoke, once there all pulled out, and im ok with the seeds now i guess, i like the strain, its spearing quite well for me so who knows, this shit is just fun! not trying to turn profit, just get me my smoke

and wtf is Colloidal silver?