

Active Member
look like pre flowers to me thats exactly what my mother has and is budding super fat no need to worrie


New Member
but i usually dont even have to do that if it is a pollen sack u can tell by feel of it it rollit between fingers if semi firm its a sac


Well-Known Member
Nope, normal girl parts...lol. Also, all my plants have gotten a weird sac looking thing near each branch...and at first I was like, "oooooohhhhhh nnnnnnooooooo"... but then I realized that nope, it was apparently normal


New Member
Nope, normal girl parts...lol. Also, all my plants have gotten a weird sac looking thing near each branch...and at first I was like, "oooooohhhhhh nnnnnnooooooo"... but then I realized that nope, it was apparently normal
most beginning growers freak out when they see calyxes lol
males usually show first and they have what looks like pods on tops


Lol thanks, I did freak out when I saw it, I started rummaging through hermie pictures on google...

Here's some pics of my girls:
