
Hey everyone, first post here. Anyways, yesterday I noticed some seeds in the cola of one of my girls. They're all 4 weeks in, thought everything was going great; only had to deal with a couple males and didn't have any hermies until yesterday. Naturally, I didn't want it to pollinate the others, even though I don't think the pollen had let loose yet, I'm not even sure how it works (First time) So I have the hermie plant hung up now and actually noticed a lot of clusters of seeds inside the colas, it amazed me cause I look at my girls like a hawk; constantly scanning them for abnormalities. So I look at the rest of my girls today to see if I can find any seeds, It didn't seem there were any at first glance, however I did find 1 seed each when I started poking at the calyxes (?I think, whatever shoots out pistils)

I found one seed in another two of my girls. Unfortunately, these girls are absolutely gorgeous and I don't think I can let them go. These weren't full formed seeds, more just tiny green ones that were mushy; are these girls hermied too or is it normal for a main cola to have a seed or two? If two more of my girls are hermied, that means that the rest probably are too, so I should probably just let them finish their 4 weeks right? I have clones of all of them so It's not really a big deal, I just don't know what to do.. Or if they'll even pollinate in time.

The only thing that I could think that could of caused this was 2 months ago when I THOUGHT I flipped them to 12\12. In reality, they were on some fucked up schedule because I had two different times for my lights. They went from 24\0 to most likely 14\10 or something like that, I thought they were flowering because they were stretching like no other; however a month in I knew something was up when there still wasn't any flowers. Checked the timers and got on 12\12 and they went crazy; is it possible that they thought the season was almost over when they finally got their 12\12 and now they think they have to pollinate themselves because winter is coming? Thanks.


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Staff member
PLEASE break up long sections of text with white space. It will get you more responses and better response than tl;dr.

Essentially cannabis has the tendency to hermie to save itself. So you may have stressed your plants to that point. However just finish them and smoke them and enjoy them and get your timers right next time.


Well-Known Member
I thought mine hermied too but i let it ride a few days and it turned out female. i got confused cause it had ball looking sacks starting where the node comes from main stem. Like i said thought it hermied but it didn't. look for nanners in your buds.
Didn't actually realize how much I'd written until I posted it! I know how bad walls of text can be.

I have never found any nanners, not in the hermie I cut down, or my current girls, is this what excretes the pollen? The hermie I cut down did however have 3-6 clusters of seeds hidden in the bud after I sifted through it all, which leads me to believe this one had gone rogue a while ago; I just can't believe I didn't catch it sooner. And the girls that I found just 1 seed had it more towards the top of the cola, will these single seeds hidden deep in the cola be an issue if my other Females aren't hermied already? I know hermie plants will pollinate others, but do they require the nanners to do so?

Still could use some clarification on hermies. Do the "nanners" have to show in order to pollinate my other females?
Thank you both for your help also.