

I know hermies happen b/c of stress on plants , but r there some genetic's more likely to herm or is is always the growers fault or whatever the plant wants to do?:?:


Well-Known Member
a plant wants to survive.

it will pollenate itself trying to survive if it has not been pollenated and its late in flower. a plant will pollenate itself if its in stressful/less then ideal growing conditions. and somtimes bad genetics leads to a plant that wants to pollenate itself no matter what.

good genetics would lead to plants hardiness to NOT want to pollenate itself, some strains wont hermi no matter how much stress they are put through. Breeders take colloidal silver (chemical) that stresses the plant and causes it to pollenate itself. these are "feminized" seeds due to the likeliness of a female plant crossing itself with another female plant (itself) would more then likely grow a regular female plant as long as its not stressed with the colloidial silver the second round. whenever you remove the male the plants genes arent as strong as it would be with more diversity in its "blood"-think west virginia and banjo music

i hope that helped

is that the kinda info you wanted to know about hermis?