Hesi coco grow shedule 1 week clone, 2 week veg, 8 week flower


Got 9 dutch cheese babys up 2 600w hps, putting a 3rd 600 on in flower, im using Hesi coco using their reccomended schedule on the site the plants are looking great but im curious as to why it is only 2 week veg and 8 flower, does this turn a better yield?

The schedule says

using hesi supervit drop all way through.

Clonne -
1 week half TNT dose
root complex half dose

Week 2
Hesi TNT 2 weeks veg 18/6
root complex

Week 4
Flower 12/12
Hesi Coco

Week 7
Hesi Coco
Hesi pk 13/14

Week 11
Flush with pure water

im gonna follow the schedule as the plants are looking good upto now with the tnt but all advice/comment appreciated, thanks.