Hexo Corp Delays Filing Financial Report Due To Review By OSC


Well-Known Member
Hey just like cronos, got caught cooking the books and now going to pay for it. Cronos deadline was today to file and nothing yet. Hexo says impairment charge of 270-280 million expected. hahaha. Hexo also discloses it is selling one of its facilities and may not be able to continue operations.

"While the Company has been successful in raising financing in the past, there is no assurance that it will be able to obtain additional financing or that such financing will be available on reasonable terms. These conditions combined with the accumulated losses to date indicate the existence of a material uncertainty that may cast doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. The financial statements will not include any adjustments to the amounts and classification of assets and liabilities that might be necessary should the Company be unable to continue as a going concern." Can you say BANKRUPTCY!! :clap::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Well you thought it was funny when the LP's were turning thousands of good paying jobs into minimum wage slave labour. Looks like the small players are not really a bunch of idiots who know nothing about business.

I have no idea what you're saying. Small players? Who are you referring to? Thousands of good paying jobs into slave labor? You make zero sense.
isnt it EH!

tough shit.
they took jobs that were NOT WORTH TAKING and got screwed by the greedy fuckers
to bad so sad
You lost yer job I take it?.. start looking for work :idea:

I lost my job? Go see a real doctor, clearly the THC isn't helping. Oh and dont forget who funds your doctor, that's right the tax paying individuals of this country. Like the ones losing their jobs as these places shut down.
I have no idea what you're blabbing about. Wait does the BM have a wage structure I'm not aware of? Do you not know how wages in the real world operate? Why am I not surprised?

Ya let me explain that to you. People that operate of their own free will do not receive wages. What you are referring to is called employment.
I lost my job? Go see a real doctor, clearly the THC isn't helping. Oh and dont forget who funds your doctor, that's right the tax paying individuals of this country. Like the ones losing their jobs as these places shut down.
We love every minute of your anger and frustration. Hopefully you've lost it all supporting these cunts....cuz your one of them from my standpoint. hahahahahah....sucks to be you and the assholers like you. We failed you and your plan....how'd you like loosing? Imagine a buncha of stoners failing your hero's. I so love your misfortune it's not funny.
I lost my job? Go see a real doctor, clearly the THC isn't helping. Oh and dont forget who funds your doctor, that's right the tax paying individuals of this country. Like the ones losing their jobs as these places shut down.
hahahahahaha the only one losing here is YOU

I grow it FREE
I dont smoke ............................silly person...
I am RETIRED. lol....
Could give a rats ass about who is working and who isn't.
To see their industry? " OUR INDUSRY " failed by the ones who THOUGHT they could just TAKE IT?
:weed::hump::finger::dunce:HAHAHAHAH Give your silly head a real good HARD SHAKE ...
maybe you'll shake some sense out of this DEAL
Figure it out yet ? lol:idea::hump::clap::weed:
I have no idea what you're blabbing about. Wait does the BM have a wage structure I'm not aware of? Do you not know how wages in the real world operate? Why am I not surprised?
You clearly know absolutely nothing about this culture and the market. The black market pays way better than any Lp, trimmers for lps:$12 an hour, bm trimmers 20-$25 an hour, Labour work:15-20 an hour Lp labour $12 an hour. And they mostly hire temporary foreign workers for minimum wage and that money leaves the country instead of adding to the local economy when locals are hired. You sound like a butt hurt worker that was laid off or investor that lost everything. Sucks to be you.
You clearly know absolutely nothing about this culture and the market. The black market pays way better than any Lp, trimmers for lps:$12 an hour, bm trimmers 20-$25 an hour, Labour work:15-20 an hour Lp labour $12 an hour. And they mostly hire temporary foreign workers for minimum wage and that money leaves the country instead of adding to the local economy when locals are hired. You sound like a butt hurt worker that was laid off or investor that lost everything. Sucks to be you.
the best part
ITS TAX FREE but the cash gets SPENT ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,all the way around!
This kid doesn't have a clue :!:but .we don't mind edumacating ....:)
I have no idea what you're blabbing about. Wait does the BM have a wage structure I'm not aware of? Do you not know how wages in the real world operate? Why am I not surprised?

Timmers make $20-25/hr growers make $600+ per LB profit. Funny as the Langley weed farms were min wage and only hired migrant workers that lived in company housing units. Just so you know most housing in that area is $800+ for a 1 bedroom basement suite that's 1/2 of the weed farm workers wage. That is not a sustainable wage.
I lost my job? Go see a real doctor, clearly the THC isn't helping. Oh and dont forget who funds your doctor, that's right the tax paying individuals of this country. Like the ones losing their jobs as these places shut down.

I lost my job? Go see a real doctor, clearly the THC isn't helping. Oh and dont forget who funds your doctor, that's right the tax paying individuals of this country. Like the ones losing their jobs as these places shut down.

Those were migrant workers that sent most of the money back home, not local people who spent it locally. You can only hire migrant worker if no one locally can be found to fill the job. How could they not filled those positions with locals? Oh yah a wage that you can't live on.
You clearly know absolutely nothing about this culture and the market. The black market pays way better than any Lp, trimmers for lps:$12 an hour, bm trimmers 20-$25 an hour, Labour work:15-20 an hour Lp labour $12 an hour. And they mostly hire temporary foreign workers for minimum wage and that money leaves the country instead of adding to the local economy when locals are hired. You sound like a butt hurt worker that was laid off or investor that lost everything. Sucks to be you.

Sounds like you know little about the economy or business in general. Trimming isnt skilled labor, it's a Mcjob and deserves the same pay. Dont like our $15 per hour minimum wage target? Take it up with Trudeau.

Hey how much does the black market pay its QAPs? 70 to 100k ish like most big LPs? Oh wait there is a absolutely no regulation in terms of quality, fertilizer, chemicals, pesticides etc so no need for a QA. Wait what about taxes? How much does the BM contribute to society vs the wallets of organized crime and money launderers? So basically no regulation, no worker safety, no workers comp, no benefits, no required quality control or testing and absolutely no benefit to society as a whole.

Quit your bitching, grow up and join the real, tax paying, legitimate legal world. But you won't because it doesnt benefit you; fair enough but dont bitch about the other side when most of society views you as in the wrong, and that's a fact.
Sounds like you know little about the economy or business in general. Trimming isnt skilled labor, it's a Mcjob and deserves the same pay. Dont like our $15 per hour minimum wage target? Take it up with Trudeau.

Hey how much does the black market pay its QAPs? 70 to 100k ish like most big LPs? Oh wait there is a absolutely no regulation in terms of quality, fertilizer, chemicals, pesticides etc so no need for a QA. Wait what about taxes? How much does the BM contribute to society vs the wallets of organized crime and money launderers? So basically no regulation, no worker safety, no workers comp, no benefits, no required quality control or testing and absolutely no benefit to society as a whole.

Quit your bitching, grow up and join the real, tax paying, legitimate legal world. But you won't because it doesnt benefit you; fair enough but dont bitch about the other side when most of society views you as in the wrong, and that's a fact.

Illegal weed growers paid 1000x into the system then LP min wage workers ever could. Most growers spent their money locally paying PST/GST and in turn the business that received the money paid corporate and employee income tax. That money also allowed business to have employees. The LP can fudge numbers all year long and come out paying 0 corporate tax. Only thing the gov didn't receive was income tax from growers, the smart one actually paid income tax anyways to keep CRA at bay.
Quit your bitching, grow up and join the real, tax paying, legitimate legal world. But you won't because it doesnt benefit you; fair enough but dont bitch about the other side when most of society views you as in the wrong, and that's a fact.

I wouldn’t contribute my professional skills to the legal cannabis industry if they paid me to. They are truly on my blacklist.