Hey any ideas...lighting?


What is the best cfl to use to flower my ! plant with adn also I'm using two tube flourescents FB40CW ss 6 as supplemental lighting as I only have two lights right now one sunblaster cool daylight13 watt CFL gro light 6500k (blue spectrum I think mostly). And one green brand presidents choice warm white CFL13 watt 2500k let me know if you think this is enough light for 1 plant to bud and any better alternatives you might know of also if you know of any U- Shaped flourescent tubes i can use that would help to.:neutral:



Well-Known Member
The best cfls for flowering is a warm one, one that would shine yellow. but man a 13watt clf is small, at least go with a 42 watt minimum


Well-Known Member
the best thing to do if you want super dinnse buds is get eather a 400w or anything around that cause you can flower with the lights you have now but there two weak your going to get really airy buds and lets face it no one wants little airy buds . cause with that light your only going to give the top of the plant light not any of the lower stuff .


I just got 2 23watt 2700k bulbs cfls i switched them with my two 6500k bulbs? whattayathink?


I can't afford a 400 watt bulb or let me assure you i'd be using one my buddy has a 1000watt mh but i think thats a bit of overkill no? thanks for your reply!


The best cfls for flowering is a warm one, one that would shine yellow. but man a 13watt clf is small, at least go with a 42 watt minimum
do you think 2, 23watt cfl's will finish her up also how much longer you tyhink til she ready p.s. does she look healthy i know the pics arent the best but...


the best thing to do if you want super dinnse buds is get eather a 400w or anything around that cause you can flower with the lights you have now but there two weak your going to get really airy buds and lets face it no one wants little airy buds . cause with that light your only going to give the top of the plant light not any of the lower stuff .
I'm using two flourescent bulbs that make up the 4th wall of my gro box i said what kind they are in the post so all my plant is getting light i just need to know what kind of flourescents in the u tube shape i casn use because i caint afford a 400 watt


thanks i added one more not much space left hey can i hang a light far away and have it do anything? also what do ya think about the flourescent u - tubes they give off white light?