Hey Friends. I'm heading off to Africa. Anybody have any experience with African strains?


New Member
I've taken in interest in focusing on some strains from Africa due to certain characteristics that I thought sounded interesting.Might even try a little cross breading of my own. If anybody here has had any experience with African stains like Kwazulu, African Buzz, Landrace strains or any others please feel free to share your experiences and knowledge. TNX.
BINGO!! Thanks man. I recall seeing these on a cannabis documentary and thinking, "I'd like to try those" then the notion got lost. At some later point I ran across a few places that claimed some strains were less likely to produce munchies and even another extolling THCV. When researching strains I stumbled across some african based hybrids and followed those back to the purest African strains I could find. I liked what I saw so I decided to go that route.

I'm considering going the mother nature route for the summer then the indoor route for the winter. Kind of hoping my regular African buzz produces some males so I can do a little crossing and harvest some seeds as well.

Any experience or ideas are always welcome. Thanks.