Hey guys is this PM or humidity spots?

Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
If it’s powdery mildew I have some aza max I can spray them down with, but if they are just humidity spots the humidity has been quite high in veg 70% usually. I could prune for airflow also.
It does not wipe off. That’s good it’s also not fuzzy at all. What would you all recommend? Trim the jungle so fewer leaf’s are touching, or rig up a dehumidifier? I have good airflow on them, actually had too much I thought so I turned the fans down.

I am quite clumsy with the water, so that makes sense. I really try not to get it on any of the canopy leaves though to avoid burn.
It does not wipe off. That’s good it’s also not fuzzy at all. What would you all recommend? Trim the jungle so fewer leaf’s are touching, or rig up a dehumidifier? I have good airflow on them, actually had too much I thought so I turned the fans down.

I am quite clumsy with the water, so that makes sense. I really try not to get it on any of the canopy leaves though to avoid burn.
I’d SELECTIVELY defoliate. Start with the largest and oldest fan leaves. Separation is necessary.
It does not wipe off. That’s good it’s also not fuzzy at all. What would you all recommend? Trim the jungle so fewer leaf’s are touching, or rig up a dehumidifier? I have good airflow on them, actually had too much I thought so I turned the fans down.

I am quite clumsy with the water, so that makes sense. I really try not to get it on any of the canopy leaves though to avoid burn.
There are two varieties of pm that tend to exhibit. The fuzzy stuff and this stuff that looks like dried milk droplets. Its not clear if you have pm. If you have sprayed anything it could be the residue from that. Its not humidity spots. If you haven't sprayed anything, it is likely pm. Good news is this variety seems to be easier to manage. I would suggest Regalia and GFF, sprayed or watered in.
Do you have fans for circulation?

Yes 2 large fans had them set on high and saw some of the top leaves wither so I turned them down abit, pretty decent airflow.

I will selectively prune, starting with the oldest fans. I likely won’t remove more than 5 leafs per plant to start and see how they respond.
Well whatever the hell is was it has snuck back, late flower. Just hacking off any leafs that have spots i sure hope its just water or condensation. its still not fuzzy. Dealing with high humidity hanging around 60% 74f. rubs off easily.
But if that spotting is from moisture during lights off you’re headed towards trouble. If you separate touching leaves and find moisture this is not good.
I had a plant that would put out so much water that touching leaves would literally drip if not separated during lights out. Was an ass to control during flower. It was interesting to watch. Really put Into perspective how alive these plants are.
I'd be installing a dehumidifier and some extra fans to move the foliage around gently so that it can breath better. Should prevent PM and other stuff that likes it damp. Also defoliation is a good option especially with that monstrosity of a canopy lol