hey how are these plants looking i really truly cant tell


These are weird weed plants lol thats all i haveta say Image1.jpeg.jpgImage2.jpeg.jpgImage3.jpeg.jpgImage4.jpeg.jpg Dont hate on pic quality and dont hate on the pots im in poor times right now


New Member
OK, 1st things 1st. There are way to many plants per pot there. How can you hope to transplant them without damaging the roots? 1 pot per customer. Second you will not get very far with such litle light and reflection. Third, don't take offense to this post because it is not meant to be offensive...do some more reading, and planning. While you are doing that save some $ and re-launch a real grow project. Those babies are not gonna make it with what you got going on there. Good Luck and +rep for taking your first leap into a wider world!


well duh lol i am going to change them to bigger pots for each of them but there roots go all the way to the bottom already and i use 40 watt cfl lights and how do i get them to branch out???
btw they just got like that in 3 days 3 days ago you couldnt even see them


thats not my setup i just took them out to take pics of them i have a tube with a fan for my intake and 4 40 watt cfls and aluminum foil around it with white wall on one side and black wall on other and i have everything else all set up


Well-Known Member
If roots are to the bottom need to separate now! They will tangle and you will most likely damage separating them now but needs to be done. For future info need to start 1 in a pot each. As you can see there stunted because of it. Should be bigger. Also stretched. Your lights need to be alot closer. Also I count approx 8 girls? Will need tons more light if going to flower all of them.

Good luck my friend and do some reading. Any questions fire away


ok well they are only like 3 days old and 1 pot each and is there any other lights i can use in the mean time untill i buy more lights ?? like regular light bulbs i know they get rreally hot but


Well-Known Member
Na you be ok that age with what got but be prepared and buy loads more of them. Normal light bulbs pointless. Separate tonight/today depending where you live lol and see how get on. Lights should be about 2/3" from top of the girls.


Well-Known Member
Worry about branching out later and they will be a natural bushy plant or not. You can top it later on to make it bushy if you want to but focus getting this right first. Front right of my pic a fem humboldt and I topped to get 6 main cola.



how old are they and when do they usually start getting leaves? like more than the 4 at the top cuz i grew with a friend one time in my garage but they only got like 8 in tall and huge ass buds but he took care of them i wanted to branch out for myself so i thought id get help and 2 to 3 in?? well what about 4 lights and like 4 in away cuz idk if i can get these lights to go that low and i just tranfered them and i had 27 plants but only like 10 pots..... so i have to kill 17 of them :/


Well-Known Member
Should start having first leaves coming through now really.... why cant get them that close? Try 4inch and if can get closer then do. Basically as you can see there stretching for the light and will fall over and die. Try get more lights so to keep em all alive in case some of em are male... What strain? Fem or reg? or bagseed?


New Member
WARNING! Don't use regular incandescents! You said you have tin foil in the grow area. You will burn those babies to death! The light you have is good enough for those seedlings. You will certainly need more light to max your yield. Also, you can get mylar emergency blankets at any camping store. Move the lights closer to help curtail the stretching. Good Luck!


lol ok well i have cfl lights for them and i know they are feminized but idk what strain and yeah ok how big should the leaves be after their 1st week?


Well-Known Member
WARNING! Don't use regular incandescents! You said you have tin foil in the grow area. You will burn those babies to death! The light you have is good enough for those seedlings. You will certainly need more light to max your yield. Also, you can get mylar emergency blankets at any camping store. Move the lights closer to help curtail the stretching. Good Luck!
ok no offense here but tinfoil is fine, nothing wrong with it.

it looks like you have about a dozen plants. figure out how many your going to keep (keep into consideration you will probally have a 1:1 ratio of males so if you plan on growing 3 plants to adulthood keep 6 of them, jusnk the rest.

get them CFL as close to your seedlings as you can and that will help them bush out. 4x 40watt CFL should be fine for now but depending on how many plants you plan on keeping you will probally need more lights.

get them into 1 gal pots asap, if you have to cut the top off a milk jug and poke some holes in bottom for drainage, just might haave to cut the milk jug off of the plant when its time to repot, oh and if you use milkjugs wrap em with tinfoil so the roots dont get any light.

get these few things done and get back to us