Hey I'm new here


Hello, I'm Aaron - a newbie trying to learn the ropes around here on rollitup. I love music to no end and I could talk for hours about it. Including talk about playing guitar and striving to be a professional musician /luthier if possible. If I'my able, I'd really want to bring back the feeling of the old music from the 60s and 70s; I feel like it wasn't finished yet. Im also very interested in learning about growing organic medical marijuana as well as communicating with fellow members. Happy medicating!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the community. Check out the music thread and head over to toke and talk and introduce yourself, just don't tale shit to seriously and there is a lot to learn and even more entertainment.


Well-Known Member
welcome, lots of good knowledge on this site. do some research and if you have any questions there are plenty of people willing to help out. Good luck!