hey michigan coco and organic guys, i have an idea, tell me if I'm nuts please!


Well-Known Member
Soooo i had a weird idea today when i was watering my coco plants (these coco plants are being grown using synthetic hydro nutes)

about half the waterings i include some H202 in the mix. well today i watered my coco plants then about an hour later i came back up to water some organic plants with a mix of tea, upon further inspection only 2-3 needed watering so i figured hell why not just dose up my coco plants. now ass i watered the tea it just went foam crazy, just fizzing like nuts. this made me realize the H202 was still very potent in the root zone and i pretty much genocided a batch of tea......

well then i got to thinking... in the process of the tea getting fizzed off my plants got a HUGE dose of oxygen and dead organic matter. I'm going to reapply the tea in a couple hours so no baddies take over with all the food laying around.

NOW my question. is this beneficial in any way? harmful?

i run a completely non organic nute program and make sure to flush regularly and use drip clean so i know the tea i apply today isn't gonna last long but i figure with the first burst of oxygen then the second blast of tea to keep things even it should be somewhat beneficial? right? lol

i was thinking of doing this once or maybe twice a week? good idea? bad idea?
As far as I know h202 is not good to use when growing organically as it is harmful on a lot of the good bacterias.
i understand that. thats kinda the point. h202 + living organisms = Oxidization = oxygen. these are hydro plants to begin with so the loss of micro life isn't a big deal. the H202 was already present in the root zone when i introduced the tea causing the tea to basically go kamikaze style in the name of o2. THEN! i reapply tea at some safe later time to ensure that the plants dont go anaerobic.

anyone thinking this a good idea? bad idea?
I don't think there is going to be any benefit to what you did...

Its one of those situations where you gotta pick one or the other, you can't have your cake and eat it too. I personally love H2O2 in hydro and use 3ml of 29% in every gallon of water that goes into my garden but at the same time I know it would be pointless adding any sort of beneficial bacteria to the mix with it. On the other side, I keep my mothers in soil and water with tea once a month or so and never use H2O2 on them.
thats how i roll normally too. the introduction of tea to my hydro girls was simply a case of having a mixed bucket with no home. after the extremely violent explosion of Air i couldn't help but wonder.