Hey new guy here.....first time growing indoor!


Active Member
hey guys~~!!!
First, i like to thank every single one of you here...b/c i learn so much on this forum!!!! I just started my bagseed indoor growing about 18 days ago. It is my first growing and i thought i should share it with you guys and get some help..
I am So sick of paying for bud......and also kinda tight with my money
anyways... here is what i got....
Lights: 4 27w 6500k CFL's
20/4 is set up i have right now
Soil: MG Moisture Control... Just transplanted them about 4 days ago and they are doing good...i think (i know but i couldn't find foxfarm near me)
Water: I use Aquafina or Smart water every 2-3 days
I am growing in my room. there is no box or growing room i just have it in corner of my walk-in closet. I got two fans one blowing in and one blowing out.
I know its about time for me to start giving them some nutes but dont know who to go with. i know foxfarm makes greaet soil and nutes but i didnt want to order it online. So since im using MG soil....i dont know if i should order foxfarm nutes or something from home depot. Also it will be better if can get just one for veg. stage and one for flowering. And i am only planning on growing them indoor and when its time i want to flower them outdoor. Any advice? Im located in FL.
Here are some pics and please help me guys.
thanks!! ill keep you guys updated!!

*I want to know how much bud i can get from one plant with my set up. I am gonna clone them as well*


the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
u can get more than u think. i cant see how close your lights are but i think u should move them closer or give them some water. they look a little druppy. enough light and wateer and the leaves will stand at a 45 degree angle. i got 6 cfls and a fan blowing on a 41 innch tall 4 cola plant hoping for 2 plus. look for threads by riddleme and uncle ben these are very smart guys and can teach u alot.