Hey there! Been living in South America(Bolivia)and have decided to grow.

Another newbie here. My parents moved here because of a job in an oil company. And since I've been living in Santa Cruz, Bolivia for the past 5 years. It's a tropical climate, with almost no winter. The weed here isn't really good. I have been looking for ways to get seeds. Plus I have started an indoor closet grow. Atm I have 11 seeds germinating. I'll be posting things about my grow experience in South America. ;-)

Would be nice if someone from South America or that knows something about here would appear. bongsmilie

Well thanks


Virtually Unknown Member
Hey Boliva, welcome to RIU. Great opportunity to grow down there. How's the laws for growing?
Thanks! Well the law here is kinda crooked. It's "illegal" to grow but no one gives a damn really. I have been smoking different types of weed these past 4 years.