Hey there, I have an easy question! Pls helpmeout

Hi there, first of all my system is below

2x 600 watts of HPS light with balast.
1x 1000 watts of LED light (probably the output is like 200watts)
I got 25 White Widow Auto Max
And the temperature of the room is like 20 degrees.

I know the temperature is low, but I have nothing to do expect turning the hps lamps on but if I do that, the room will be bright and I know that it is bad for the seedlings at the first stage.

I put them to the pot in like 2cms. and this is 4th day, there is no move in the pots

Can you help me out about that

And, when should I use my Big Bud soil?

thank you guys


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did you germinate your seeds? or just sow them directly in the soil. If you dont germinate your seeds it will take twice as long for them to pop. Look up using the paper-towel method ro a cup of water, till you see a tap root. ALso that tiny led light will not support that many plants. Look into buying a 16 bulb t5 light with 54w t5 bulbs or even 2 8-bulb units. dont overwater let the soil dry out. seeds like warm moist environment.
did you germinate your seeds? or just sow them directly in the soil. If you dont germinate your seeds it will take twice as long for them to pop. Look up using the paper-towel method ro a cup of water, till you see a tap root. ALso that tiny led light will not support that many plants. Look into buying a 16 bulb t5 light with 54w t5 bulbs or even 2 8-bulb units. dont overwater let the soil dry out. seeds like warm moist environment.

hey I got 2x 600hps lamps bro, and I just put them into the soil. is it going to be a problem like weak harvest or something?
Put up one 600 watt HPS, That'll heat the room up.
Hang it high up.

First of all thanks for caring about my problem man. if I use the lamp, the room will be bright. is it going to be a problem? (I just put the seedlings into the pot without doing anything)

and when should I use the big bud soil, at what stage?
Looks like you're doing things wrong.
1. You have too many pots under a single light.
2. You can't jam a bunch of pots together because if the plants grow you won't be able to reach the middle as the branches will be twisted with each other.
3. You shouldn't start seeds in large pots. Start small, then transplant later.
4. Maybe the seeds will grow, maybe they won't. Hard to say right now.
5. What is the silver thing against the wall? Making soup for lunch?
6. You won't be able to easily swap to a different soil as you've put them in such large pots to begin with. Transplanting will difficult and perhaps not necessary, provided you do things right.
7. Your light is too high up. Inverse square law for light. Intensity of light reduces based on square of the distance to any object light strikes. One bulb probably won't be enough to light up that many plants.
8. You've started growing without learning. Mistake #1.
Not too late. Get small pots, scoop out seeds and some soil. Put them in small containers. keep moist and room temperature. Take the seedlings that look good and grow them. Remove unnecessary pots from grow space. Lower the light. Use fan in room to move air and moderate temp. Use well-rounded fertilizer once in a while. Replace the soil with your bloom soil or whatever it is you're asking about. Put plants in that soil when they've outgrown small containers. Raise light as plants grow. Give a soil a wet/dry cycle, meaning let soil dry out in between waterings. Don't use too much fertilizer, follow its directions. That will help you get started. the rest you'll have to learn on the way.
Well, the seeds haven't popped through the soil yet? so light brightness doesn't factor into it.
The HPS will add heat to the area . Hang it about 30" away and it'll not damage the seedlings when they break the surface.
The big bud is for when you a are flowering the plants not for vegging them. There's no nitrogen in it, it's a bloom booster
The soil you are using probably has enough nutrients in it to last a couple of weeks before they'll need fed.
hey I got 2x 600hps lamps bro, and I just put them into the soil. is it going to be a problem like weak harvest or something?

It's kind of a waste of money on your power bill to run a HPS at this point. If you get 2 t5 lights and put them right on top of pots. they'll pop in a few days and you can use them throughout veg and save money then switch to your 2 600w hps for flower
bruh no way this is for real has to be a old april fools joke I hope if not imma slowly back away
Looks like you're doing things wrong.
1. You have too many pots under a single light.
2. You can't jam a bunch of pots together because if the plants grow you won't be able to reach the middle as the branches will be twisted with each other.
3. You shouldn't start seeds in large pots. Start small, then transplant later.
4. Maybe the seeds will grow, maybe they won't. Hard to say right now.
5. What is the silver thing against the wall? Making soup for lunch?
6. You won't be able to easily swap to a different soil as you've put them in such large pots to begin with. Transplanting will difficult and perhaps not necessary, provided you do things right.
7. Your light is too high up. Inverse square law for light. Intensity of light reduces based on square of the distance to any object light strikes. One bulb probably won't be enough to light up that many plants.
8. You've started growing without learning. Mistake #1.
Not too late. Get small pots, scoop out seeds and some soil. Put them in small containers. keep moist and room temperature. Take the seedlings that look good and grow them. Remove unnecessary pots from grow space. Lower the light. Use fan in room to move air and moderate temp. Use well-rounded fertilizer once in a while. Replace the soil with your bloom soil or whatever it is you're asking about. Put plants in that soil when they've outgrown small containers. Raise light as plants grow. Give a soil a wet/dry cycle, meaning let soil dry out in between waterings. Don't use too much fertilizer, follow its directions. That will help you get started. the rest you'll have to learn on the way.
thanks for your effort

1- there is no single light, I got 2x 600watts of hps and a led light man isnt that enough
2- I can relax the pots as they grow
3- Im using peat soil and Im not able to switch soil or pots :(
4- seedlings has already popped out but they look weak
5- my steam engine has not arrived yet, I do make moisture with the silver thing

should I keep on the hps lamps during the cycle
and pls check the photos


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dont make fun with it man Im trying my best
What you need to do is start with 2-4 plants ONLY. Get a grow and a little experience under your belt. Learn how the plant grows. Learn how the plant feeds and drink. Learn how to properly water a plant so you dont drown it. Yes, I said drown it. Start a grow journal and take notes. Lots of them. You dont just pop a seed in soil give it light and water to think youll grow the biggest and best bud known to mankind. Once you get a grow, even 2 in then try to do a bigger grow like this if you still feel up to it.
What you need to do is start with 2-4 plants ONLY. Get a grow and a little experience under your belt. Learn how the plant grows. Learn how the plant feeds and drink. Learn how to properly water a plant so you dont drown it. Yes, I said drown it. Start a grow journal and take notes. Lots of them. You dont just pop a seed in soil give it light and water to think youll grow the biggest and best bud known to mankind. Once you get a grow, even 2 in then try to do a bigger grow like this if you still feel up to it.

okay but I have to try my best with these seeds, should I turn on the hps lamps, I make the led Light closer to the seedlings and can you check my replies which is at the above

You have been the info you require op...should you choose to use it...that is entirely up to you.
I believe you jumped the gun...more research required.
where is the info about Turning on the hps lamps

Try reading the sticky threads located all over RIU.


Bro you need to do more research.

what you are asking here is growing 101 and nobody on here has the time to help you with every step if you’re not prepared to help yourself with even 10 minutes of independent research.

you need to go away and have a look online about grow room design and setup along with how to grow marajuana.

These 2 things will help you before you need us to say switch on a fucking light!

How old are you? 12?

Ffs I understand you’re a noobie but damn man at least try and help yourself a little bit.
okay but I have to try my best with these seeds, should I turn on the hps lamps, I make the led Light closer to the seedlings and can you check my replies which is at the above

That LED is not going to be enough light for them. Turn the HPS on and keep it like 3ft above the plants.