hi a bit of grow advice for the new guy!

tha pintster

Active Member
yo everybody ,im new here..hope you guys can help me out!

i began with 2 seeds i got with a couple of bags of stuff back in may..
i stuck them in my gf's flower pot outside until the germinated ..
repoted them and let them grow outside in uk light.

ive had a couple of pest(caterpiller) ,over feed problems but got those sorted as soon as i seen the signs.

it got a bit cold about a week and a half ago so now there in my atic getting light and air from the roof window.

i been feeding them 2ml biobloom and 1ml topmax every other watering.
1 is nice and bushy ,about 4.5 ft tall smells pretty pungent (def a fem)
the other is taller but not as bushy.no signs of sex yet !although its leaves until lately have been abit pale.no smell

should i keep going the same way ?
will the natural light hinder the growth/bloom?(its autumn here)
and could someone tell me why i should cure buds?


Active Member
Woah woah woah, if your plant is 4.5 feet tall then it is tall enough to make it bud for sure, unless you want it to do it naturaly. But as long as its from 70-80 degrees and is getting atleast 12 hours of light then you should be good. But to be honest it doesnt sound like good conditions. Hit me up if you want some serious help. Peace Man.

tha pintster

Active Member
at a closer inspection they both look pretty good ,one is better than the other.but due to gf presure i cant have lights n shit.i think their beginning to flower. the tops of the stems are clumping and i can see white hairs at the top of the bushy one ..

hope it all turns out well. for now they look happy :)