Hey guys ... Just a total stoner saying hi and giving some info about mixing other drugs with weed (joints) just because i get asked this quite often... (from friends)
Speed (powder) - NO! (although depends on the cut) Just don't... one... you have no idea how it was produced (unless you did it yourself) - and certain chems when smoked (no matter the ammount) will have a lasting impact on your lungs... (holes/degredation etc) and it tastes foul!
Speed (base) This is even worse than above... minus the fact that it wont even light... it will *melt* the joint like plastic - and will be unsmokeable
NB - it is possible to smoke base... i have tried it once... although the immense paranoia and horrendous taste is not worth it - Just stay away from smoking speed!
Coke - Again depends on the cut... if you have crumbly rocks then go for it... but to be sure, taste a tiny fleck first - What you are looking for in the taste is a bitter sweet chem taste which will numb your tounge within a few seconds (this is the best quality to smoke) -
The way you roll a CJ - powder a line... no need to make it any bigger than the average size you personally sniff, but it does help the high if its a bit fatter... Fill your joint as normal with weed and tobacco etc, dumby roll it (roll without licking then unroll) the drag (with card/razor) your line (which should actually be as long as the joint) into the joint as evenly as possible and roll as normal.
NB - Although CJ's do get you high, it is a slight one and dose not last very long... the only real benefit to a CJ is for those poor souls how get a blocked nose after every line for an hour or so - and/or those lip-numb feinds like me
NB 2 - Also... when with normal use (sniff coke/smoke weed) i find that if i smoke a j and get stoned... then do a line... it will kill the stone and bring me back to a *hazy* reality/sobriety - although when mixing in a CJ it does have *both* effects (of the weed and the coke) just to a minimum level
MDMA - as above, but make sure you turn into powder first - crystal smoking is not nice... Neither are the effects... Intense paranoia, burning lungs, nausea... Just depends on personally if you feel the high is worth it (the first time is ALWAYS worth it
Ketamine - should not even be a mention... i have only heard of this done once... and it killed them
Spice - dont do this... i have never tried it and haven't heard of any one else doing so... ut with the effects of weed vs spice? it might be nice... or it may just F YOU UP!
I hope you have found this informative - i would never encourage the use of any other drug apart from weed (unless you HAVE to use coke) - but experiences are just that... experience the world and your life as you wish to do so
Stay safe
Speed (powder) - NO! (although depends on the cut) Just don't... one... you have no idea how it was produced (unless you did it yourself) - and certain chems when smoked (no matter the ammount) will have a lasting impact on your lungs... (holes/degredation etc) and it tastes foul!
Speed (base) This is even worse than above... minus the fact that it wont even light... it will *melt* the joint like plastic - and will be unsmokeable
NB - it is possible to smoke base... i have tried it once... although the immense paranoia and horrendous taste is not worth it - Just stay away from smoking speed!
Coke - Again depends on the cut... if you have crumbly rocks then go for it... but to be sure, taste a tiny fleck first - What you are looking for in the taste is a bitter sweet chem taste which will numb your tounge within a few seconds (this is the best quality to smoke) -
The way you roll a CJ - powder a line... no need to make it any bigger than the average size you personally sniff, but it does help the high if its a bit fatter... Fill your joint as normal with weed and tobacco etc, dumby roll it (roll without licking then unroll) the drag (with card/razor) your line (which should actually be as long as the joint) into the joint as evenly as possible and roll as normal.
NB - Although CJ's do get you high, it is a slight one and dose not last very long... the only real benefit to a CJ is for those poor souls how get a blocked nose after every line for an hour or so - and/or those lip-numb feinds like me
NB 2 - Also... when with normal use (sniff coke/smoke weed) i find that if i smoke a j and get stoned... then do a line... it will kill the stone and bring me back to a *hazy* reality/sobriety - although when mixing in a CJ it does have *both* effects (of the weed and the coke) just to a minimum level
MDMA - as above, but make sure you turn into powder first - crystal smoking is not nice... Neither are the effects... Intense paranoia, burning lungs, nausea... Just depends on personally if you feel the high is worth it (the first time is ALWAYS worth it

Ketamine - should not even be a mention... i have only heard of this done once... and it killed them
Spice - dont do this... i have never tried it and haven't heard of any one else doing so... ut with the effects of weed vs spice? it might be nice... or it may just F YOU UP!
I hope you have found this informative - i would never encourage the use of any other drug apart from weed (unless you HAVE to use coke) - but experiences are just that... experience the world and your life as you wish to do so
Stay safe