Hi Everyone- How do these look now


Active Member
Hi Ladies and gents ive been doing my best to keep some kind of journal posting pics of my plants at the beginning of each week.

Well now is Week 5- Day 1 and i was wondering how they are looking for the age of what they are now. Im not sure if ive took too many leaves off, or if ive took too much off the bottom of the plants.
Ive tried to do as ive learned and you guys have really helped me along the way and im so grateful of all the tips ive had, even where ive done wrong, i welcome any criticism good or bad.
So could i have your opinion if these are looking ok or is there something im doing wrong.
Oh, and a quick question of something ive come across and that is at the end of harvest leave the plants in for 3 days but in the dark !! As this makes them suck up all the nutes that they have left in them and it makes them a bit bulkier? Has anyone tried this ? or know if it works. Many kind thanks in advance.
Is there any more tips or tricks to get the full benefit out of them. Thanks to everyone on here.


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they look great to me! good job! in addition to taking off some of the bottom leaves, i also look for any large fan leaves than may be shading the buds underneath them. i usually cut those off too, or if there isn't much foliage on the plant, i'll try and bend the fan leaf out of the way so more light penetrates to the bud sites
they look great to me! good job! in addition to taking off some of the bottom leaves, i also look for any large fan leaves than may be shading the buds underneath them. i usually cut those off too, or if there isn't much foliage on the plant, i'll try and bend the fan leaf out of the way so more light penetrates to the bud sites

Thank you very much mate. Ive done more or less same as you, some of the bigger leaves left on ive tried my best to bend them so more light gets through, i will only take them off if it becomes more dense and i have to. Ive done my best to remove what i thought would be proper foliage (probably took some wrong off, but still learning) and keep the leaves it needs. So much to try and take in, i have got the nerve yet to try and train them by LST or SOG or SCROG *i think* . Ive looked at a lot of different ways and it wows me, but i darent try that at all yet, i just want something to get be by with the pain im in so relying so much on getting this right so at least ive got something to help alongside my morphine. This is also why i have trouble trying to strip the leaves etc, i cannot hardly bend my back and it crucifies me so i have to do it best i can in the time i can bear doing it. Sorry about the autobiography lol.. Take care and thanks again my friend.
Cannabis plants are very forgiving of mistakes. I've had main stems snap before under weight (still attached but just snapped) and I've slapped some duck tape around em, and propped them up with some kind of support and by the end of the growing season ...they just form big calluses where it happened. I wouldn't stress too much about taking too many fan leaves off
Cannabis plants are very forgiving of mistakes. I've had main stems snap before under weight (still attached but just snapped) and I've slapped some duck tape around em, and propped them up with some kind of support and by the end of the growing season ...they just form big calluses where it happened. I wouldn't stress too much about taking too many fan leaves off
Nice one mate, feel a bit better now. You know you said you snapped one, well ive read that if you break/snap the stem but not break the outer skin that it will heal itself and send more nutrients to the broken one and it will produce more bud, how true i dont know mate, just going off what i read on i think it was off a site called grow weed easy, lots of good info for newbs on there, but no forums like here. I only post on here, and not been on long, but the support and help ive had has been amazing. Once again mate, very many thanks for your comment and putting my mind at ease.
Thanks man for that encouragement . And you got a real nice looking grow yourself, you just got more going on and a different style than me. I'm sure you'll be harvesting more than you know what to do with soon enough

Thanks so much my freind. I dont know what to expect, but thanks so much for the thumbs up, means a lot to hear that off someone so experienced as yourself. Im just blown away with what you achieve mate, seriously i went through your blog and i was like "wow, wow, wow," , amazing what you get mate. All i need is to keep taking tips on board and learning more and how exactly how to train them etc, but its so hard beginning as you must of once a long time ago of realised yourself. As long as i get enough to keep the pain at bay that is my main concern, our drs are wank, and i cant keep affording to go and get some. I dont take it to get stoned *now everyone can stop laughing* i take just enough to take the edge off ym pain. I dont even make a proper spliff, just use a normal sized paper and have one that size. Sorry for the life story lol, i guess im kinda excited knowing i might have some of my very own for the first time ever and its also worrying in case anything goes wrong between now and when i get it down. If that makes sense. Thank you once again @Hydrowannabe for your kind comment.
Looking pretty good jonny. One think I noticed is the temp at 34.8 C. That is about 95 F and it's too hot IMO. You really should get temps down to 28 C or less or your yield may be less than it could be with lower temps.
Looking pretty good jonny. One think I noticed is the temp at 34.8 C. That is about 95 F and it's too hot IMO. You really should get temps down to 28 C or less or your yield may be less than it could be with lower temps.

Thank you very much @SheeshM mate, really appreciate that and also the fact that you have noticed the temp, well the reason i think the hydrometer is reading that is because i have got it not so much hanging into the canopy, it is quite close to the lights mate. I do have another on the wall, and that averages 22.5-25.5 with my humidity ranging from 55% down to 44% which is more what i like to see. I do think it goes higher because when it feeds some of the seals on the inside of the pots have gone, and you cant change them till the end of the grow because if i pulled the inner pot out it would probably disturb a lot of the roots mate. So after every feed i have small puddles around the place, and nothing i can do about it yet, which is very frustrating. Tell you what mate, you are well spot on noticing the temps, nice one because i do need telling about every mistake id make, but luckily this time i know what is causing it, im going to have to get a longer piece of string to hang it lower, so i do thank you for bringing that to my attention as the temps could of been that hot, and id of lost some of the yield and i would not of known, so massive thumbs up to you for being so eagle eyed as well as complimentary. Big thanks SheeshM and happy growing my friend
Hiya @Arnski5000 , No mate, it was actually a typo and goodness knows where my head was at but it should of been jonnylongwait !! as i know it was going to be a long wait before plants were ready. Just googled and there is a place called longton in the city of stoke on trent lol. Do you know it mate ive heard of it cause of football, but never been.
I know a few from the area mate, dont want name names on here, depending on how old you are youd prob know some of them, well depending how long ago you left the area. And thanks for the appropriate comment in this hobby. I sat and thought , when i first looked into it and saw how long it took i just thought " fuck thats a long-wait" hence the username mate. Have a great day and keep in touch, i need as much help i can get ;)
Yeah no worries buddy glad to help if I can. I've just started another myself. Only 2 week in from seed so not much happening yet but on track so far. Should start taking off soon. It is an amazing hobby and with what's happening right now it's ideal time too. Will keep an eye out for your updates
Yeah no worries buddy glad to help if I can. I've just started another myself. Only 2 week in from seed so not much happening yet but on track so far. Should start taking off soon. It is an amazing hobby and with what's happening right now it's ideal time too. Will keep an eye out for your updates

@Arnski5000 , nice one mate thanks. I hope you get great results from your new one, if i can be cheeky what have you got in now mate? As you say its a great hobby, amazing watching it, stressful at times, or that could be because im a newbie. I do thank you for all your tips Arnski5000 mate, and if possible is there a way if you post them for me to keep watching how they are doing? Good luck with them, not that you will need it. I will tag you in any updates if that is ok with you mate, not every post, but just the ones with pics etc, and you can tell me where im going wrong lol. Have a good one mate, hopefully chat again soon
Thanks so much my freind. I dont know what to expect, but thanks so much for the thumbs up, means a lot to hear that off someone so experienced as yourself. Im just blown away with what you achieve mate, seriously i went through your blog and i was like "wow, wow, wow," , amazing what you get mate. All i need is to keep taking tips on board and learning more and how exactly how to train them etc, but its so hard beginning as you must of once a long time ago of realised yourself. As long as i get enough to keep the pain at bay that is my main concern, our drs are wank, and i cant keep affording to go and get some. I dont take it to get stoned *now everyone can stop laughing* i take just enough to take the edge off ym pain. I dont even make a proper spliff, just use a normal sized paper and have one that size. Sorry for the life story lol, i guess im kinda excited knowing i might have some of my very own for the first time ever and its also worrying in case anything goes wrong between now and when i get it down. If that makes sense. Thank you once again @Hydrowannabe for your kind comment.
Thank you for the compliments! I really hope you enjoy your harvest and helps with your pain. As long ad you stick with it and learn from your mistakes and dont let them discourage you from growing, you will without a doubt, be harvesting awesome yields and you'll be giving out advice. After a while, you get "in sync" with the plants. Alls that means is that you know what and when your plants need and you stop going so much by rules and go by your instinct and you get to that stage faster than you think. I really learned the most about growing when I switched to coco for a medium. Through some failed coco grows, I learned soooooo much more about growing and now I feel like "I know " the plant better. Now coco is my favorite medium. Anyway, gonna wrap it up here. With your humble attitude towards this hobby, your bound succeed. Good luck dude!

Edit* my bad for the typos. I'm killing some pain right now :eyesmoke: