Hi everyone need advise please


Hi guys just a quick one sorry if someone has all ready asked the qustion im just about to take a couple of cuttings as my plant is like a crimbo tree :shock: but i have tired taking cutting in the past but they died on me. so this time i want to be a success this is what i did, took 2 cuttings of the plant cut the stem at a 45 degree stuck the bottom of the stem in clonex then into rockwell then stuck them under a glo 125 watt bulb any help guys :confused:


Well-Known Member
never saw a crimbo tree. you wanna know how to clone. sounds like you need a humidity dome. clones need very high humidity.


so all i do is stick them in the dome do i stick them under the 125 watt light then mate?? last weeks pic its not the best as the space is ltd in there



Well-Known Member
Make sure it goes straight in to a glass of water when you take the cutting.
Prune off leaves as laid out in the link i posted.
Then out of the water, a 45 degree cut about a cm below a node, then straight into clonex/aspirin water for 30 secondsish.
Into your medium (coco,rockwool whatever )
Mist with Ph'd water and cover under a dome.
Air and mist them once a day.
And wait,wait,wait....3-4 weeks for me usually.


ive got a cupboard in the house lol but im just confussed on do i need a light or just place them in the dome cover thing in my dark cupboard and Air and mist them once a day. cheers for ur help


Well-Known Member
Make sure it goes straight in to a glass of water when you take the cutting.
Prune off leaves as laid out in the link i posted.
Then out of the water, a 45 degree cut about a cm below a node, then straight into clonex/aspirin water for 30 secondsish.
Into your medium (coco,rockwool whatever )
Mist with Ph'd water and cover under a dome.
Air and mist them once a day.
And wait,wait,wait....3-4 weeks for me usually.

You gave him great advice, but I dont usually have to wait 3-4 weeks, maybe thats the time it takes for them to have a nice root ball?


Well-Known Member
Yeh, I think that's the case.
3-4 weeks's is when I find they suddenly perk up and start growing again, which has to mean roots a plenty.
I just leave the f^%k alone until then because I'm worried over messing up...:)