Hi evryone, noob, help please


Active Member
Ez peaps im well into my first grow- 3rd week of flowering alls been well upto now but the leaves have all started to turn up on the fringes like spikes. Iv got 32 ladys under 4x 600w lights grown in clay pebbles in flood and drain multi pot system. P.H and EC levels have both been spot on all the way i always drain/flush every 2 wk, temperature is a nice 25 C when lights on and about 18C lights off. Inline fans, supplying/expelling air. The plants still look lush and bud is still developing nicely, i cant understand it.

It deffo cant be heat stress or watering problems maybe salt build up, the only thing i can think of is because the roots have out grown their inner and now sit in the inch of water that is left in the bottom after draining.

Would this cause the problem, what effect is it having on the plants?

Thanks for your help:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum. Having roots sit in stagnent water is not good. A picture of the problem would be helpful, got any?? VV


Active Member
Iv uploaded a few more pics (their not the best soz) there is no signs of burns or colour change fella, would the few roots that are sitting in the water in the bottom cause this to happen as it floods/drains every 4 hour?

If the buds keep swellin have I got much to worry bout:confused:

plz help put my mind at rest lol



Well-Known Member
My eyes are not the best, all I am seeing is plants showing signs of maturing. Not all the leaves and not starting at the bottom and spreading up. Maybe someone with better eyes will see somthing I don't. Plants will normally uise the nutrients out of leaves it no longer needs as it matures. VV


Well-Known Member
I can see what your talking about....the little hooks on the very edges of the leaves, it looks fine to me, i have really never seen anything like that...As long as there not yellowing and curling i would say grow own....and by the way looks fucking great man...
By the way Victor sounds about right....


Active Member
Nice 1 guys , chilled me out a bit ........ with readin bout all the probs and that on this site it puts u on a bit of a para when you dont know realy know what your up to lol.