Hi friends, leaves turning yellow at the bottom is most likely root bound right?


Active Member
I probably am rootbound, the one I think I obviously over nuted, but I've been giving it plain water last couple time's so it should be bouncing back slowly.

Let me know what you think friends.. The one that looks healthy is the biggest one I've grown... I transplanted it in a raised bed and it took off nicely. I think I will do that from now on.

I'm a couple weeks into flowering... This is bag seed. haha Last grow the northern lights seed I bought from nirvana, I believe, turned hermie, the bagseed beside it was fine.



Well-Known Member
Curto: Dee Tee could be right because plants need light, water, nutrients and oxygen. What aren't they getting? How big is the pot you've got it in? By your theory I have three Indica/Sativa strains almost three feet tall thriving out of 8" Eco Pots. They're well fed and regularly watered but not root bound. Unless you're growing in a 4" nursery pot I don't see it being root bound as the problem. Maybe just feeding it water is, or not enough light? Please tell us more about what you're up to. HSA


Active Member
I think I may be overwatering it ... Is that a cause of yellowing leaves aswell? I kind of had to flush it though because It had to many nutrients. I should really invest in a PPM meter.

The one that's kind of struggling is in one of those big vinegar jugs.. I think its like 1 or 2 gallons... Not really the largest amount of soil, never been transplanted.. It's also sharing that soil with the roots of another plant that I cut down since it was male.. BRB gotta pick up some herbs.