Hi from Ukraine (weed or weeds?)


New Member
Hi to all)

I’m a grower from Ukraine, english is not my native and.. recently I was wondering, what’s the difference between “weed” & “weeds”?

Does “weed” stand for a pot as well as “weeds”? Sites that I’ve seen that sell seeds and marijuana mostly use “weeds”. But why?
Hi to all)

I’m a grower from Ukraine, english is not my native and.. recently I was wondering, what’s the difference between “weed” & “weeds”?

Does “weed” stand for a pot as well as “weeds”? Sites that I’ve seen that sell seeds and marijuana mostly use “weeds”. But why?
Welcome aboard new member(sock).. I know of any other place with such a warm embrace..lol
Can you see Moscow from your tent?
nope, and I hope this will never happen) I now a few people from there. In Russia it's illegal even a picture of a single leaf placed anywhere

weeds is the shit that grows on the pavement.
tnx, had similar suspicions

If anyone curious, a few terms from ua .
дед [ded] (grandpa) - rare usage, mostly teenagers
дудка [dudka] (pipe) - common, mostly teenagers
грыня [grynja] (derivative from “green”) - very rare, but awesome, mostly teenagers
кукарамба [kukaramba] - very rare, but fun, 30yo & older
ганжубас [ganjubas] (derivative from “ganja”) - common, classic
дубас [dubas] - common, classic

if you are in one of russian speaking countries to ask for a pot say ‘estj dunutj?” with soft endings. It means ‘got some?’, but it’s only about ganja.
They're generic terms for unwanted plants.

..."A weed is a plant considered undesirable in a particular situation, "a plant in the wrong place". Examples commonly are plants unwanted in human-controlled settings, such as farm fields, gardens, lawns, and parks."...

So roses, growing in a tomato garden, could be considered a weed.
They're generic terms for unwanted plants.

..."A weed is a plant considered undesirable in a particular situation, "a plant in the wrong place". Examples commonly are plants unwanted in human-controlled settings, such as farm fields, gardens, lawns, and parks."...

So roses, growing in a tomato garden, could be considered a weed.
Thank you. Now I'm happy)

And actually that's not that far from us. Weed [trava] (grass) for ukrainians means marijuana also, but people who use it don't call it that way. It's kinda lame
You should change your avatar..
nope, and I hope this will never happen) I now a few people from there. In Russia it's illegal even a picture of a single leaf placed anywhere

tnx, had similar suspicions

If anyone curious, a few terms from ua .
дед [ded] (grandpa) - rare usage, mostly teenagers
дудка [dudka] (pipe) - common, mostly teenagers
грыня [grynja] (derivative from “green”) - very rare, but awesome, mostly teenagers
кукарамба [kukaramba] - very rare, but fun, 30yo & older
ганжубас [ganjubas] (derivative from “ganja”) - common, classic
дубас [dubas] - common, classic

if you are in one of russian speaking countries to ask for a pot say ‘estj dunutj?” with soft endings. It means ‘got some?’, but it’s only about ganja.

Do they have nudes in Ukraine? Do you have any to share?
Hi to all)

I’m a grower from Ukraine, english is not my native and.. recently I was wondering, what’s the difference between “weed” & “weeds”?

Does “weed” stand for a pot as well as “weeds”? Sites that I’ve seen that sell seeds and marijuana mostly use “weeds”. But why?
Is Putin gonna start a third world war? I'd like to get another grow in first.