Hi Just Strated Growing NEED HELP !!!!

Mad Max

I Just Need To Know Everything There Is To Know Like What I need The Best Place Outdoor/Indoor to grow all materials I Need
whats the process like I Basically need To Know Everything I Researched This A Little Bit But Still haven't Found All I Need To Know

Thanx In Advance


Well-Known Member
I Just Need To Know Everything There Is To Know Like What I need The Best Place Outdoor/Indoor to grow all materials I Need
whats the process like I Basically need To Know Everything I Researched This A Little Bit But Still haven't Found All I Need To Know

Thanx In Advance
just keep reading bro , I am new and thets how I learned . the ? you asked need 2 weeks of typing to answer . good luck:peace:


Active Member
Welcome MAd Max, slow down there youg jedi, there is much for you still to learn. Do not rush into this project, the more time spent researching and planning the better your crop will be which = you being even happier.

First decide what type you want to do

Soil ( Soil substrate)
Hydro (water, no soil)
Areo(mister spray)

Then when you decided out of those whats right then you will need to figure out what type of set up you want

also you need to figure out : How many plants you want to do (this determines light size if heat may be a problem.)

Can you do it indoors or outdoors?

there are million of choices outhere because there are a million variables to your grow.

Good luck and remember research is the key....


Well-Known Member
you start by reading journals of how people started,you read the faq section a few times,then you ask specific questions,it would take me a week to right it out.by a cheap grow book,but everything is on rollitup so read away.

Mad Max

Welcome MAd Max, slow down there youg jedi, there is much for you still to learn. Do not rush into this project, the more time spent researching and planning the better your crop will be which = you being even happier.

First decide what type you want to do

Soil ( Soil substrate)
Hydro (water, no soil)
Areo(mister spray)

Then when you decided out of those whats right then you will need to figure out what type of set up you want

also you need to figure out : How many plants you want to do (this determines light size if heat may be a problem.)

Can you do it indoors or outdoors?

there are million of choices outhere because there are a million variables to your grow.

Good luck and remember research is the key....

I Would Like To Actually Do Both Hydro And Soil But I think I'm Gonna Start With Soil

And i Dont Know To Do It Inside Or out Which Ever Is Best For a Good Plant
I Have a Question Too Grown a certain Type of weed Would I Have To get The Exact Seed


I just started as well and I decide to go with soil and outdoors and it is comeing along great so far just not to sure when I should or shouldn't clip them yet could use some help at that


Active Member
Soil would most likley be the easiest for a new grower. Inside.outside is all on you. Depending on how safe you feel with the location. If you go outside, you will need to make sure you are planting during the right times.

As far as your seed question: simple answer YES. Seeds are specific to the plant they came from.

So dont think you can plant a sunflower seed and turn it into a pot plant haha.