Hi need some help


Well-Known Member
Hi, so new growth on top of plants seem to be compressed. Buts thats not the big issue for me right now.. think my soil is to light so I just watered and hopefully it will help them out.

Anyways back to the big issue. I turned my lights off early last night and when I went to go check on them this morning it looks like bugs started to eat the top leafs... I staired at em for some time and then took the scoop to em and didnt see anything... what could this be?

Im going to be going out to buy some some kinda rounded out fert but I dont know whats going with them or if it well help.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have something like a grasshopper that eats and leaves.
I would buy some tomatoe safe bug killer spray whole plant then mist it (water) off in 24 hrs


Well-Known Member
lol a grasshoper would have seen that... thinking like worms for something. But I will do that for sure.


Well-Known Member
how many affected leaves r we talking? if it is only a few, good chance could be heat stress, more simply when fan leaves overlap each other there is usually 'sweat' on the leaf that was covered and will actually 'burn' away leaving it looking like something has been munching away.
post some pics


Well-Known Member
No ther are no trails, They seem to start as spots near the edge. The plants are 5 to 7 " tall and its just the top new growth. IE the last node that popped out. What I have done is bought some new all purpose ferts and sprayed the plant with soap/water mixture. I didnt want to use posions due to the location.

edit: Good thought on the heat stress, I have acted to controll the heat.


Well-Known Member
Okay, but thers very few overlapping. And those that are, are not the ones that are affected.