hi need urgent help wud be very appreciated!!!


hi im just looking for any correctiomns and pointers to hed me in the right direction!!

ium doing a cfl grow in a cupboard standard small size full height i split it in half mylared the sides and floor because my previous pc grow case got to small for my plant .

im usin 1 20w cfl bulb equvilent to 100w worth of light for each side of the plant and i have a 25 w uv cfl bulb above the plant with an optional extra 20 w cfl at the top of the plant aswell. its an ak 48 seedling thats about 2 to 3 weeks old and its a real short stumpy bushy thing already!!! just wondering if thgis will be enough light to give me a respectable amount of bud for the size of the plant ? about 50 cm height.

any suggestions corrections welcome



Well-Known Member
ukgrower2110 is right, if it's not auto flower, flower now, it can grow up to 3 times it's current height during the flowering period!


hi thanks guys wow i didnt no it wud grow that much if the light was concentrated at a certain height? i thought it wud grow to its space!! :/ its only 2 ta 3 weeks old 2 lol! and cud you give me a broken down quick summary of wat scrog is lol and is my lighting ifficiant?


Well-Known Member
ur lightings good, scrog is putin a mesh over the plants so they grow out instead of up, lst is tying it down to achieve the same thing