Hi! Or some such.


:leaf: I figured that I better introduce myself!
Im 22, 23 in november :o And just recently moved from California to the mid-west with my husband for work. The nice thing is that you can have ferrets for pets out here! So I have two of them, who are both about a year old (a boy, and his little girlfriend) Ive got my associates degree, but Id much rather just run around taking pictures and painting and being a "dirty hippie" than I would do any real work.

Uhm...I love all kinds of things, and have a very eclectic personality and Im hoping to run into lots of interesting people and bits of information here! Ive done a couple of hydro-grows in the past, and Im always looking to learn more.

Oh...I took a super lame picture too just to say Hi, its super grainy though since its night time here and the light inside my house isnt very good. I got a pretty neat picture of my favorite print by Tom Masse in the background though and my extra huge love of red lipstick...


So yeah...Hi!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :joint:

This site is packed full of opinions and some information. Its a nice place to leisurely come and chat about anything especially growing :weed:.

I am on my first grow myself in organic soil, not a great grow journal but check it out if you've never seen someone grow inside of a computer.