Hi there, looking for a knowledgeable person to provide wisdom throughout my 1st grow


I'm looking for someone who knows about Green, Hydroponics and stealth growing. I have alot of questions and I'm kind of frightened by the whole situation. If anyone would be willing to help a noobie out with his first time grow please let me know!


I know, but I'm more looking for someone who can provide a more personal experience. Someone that I can send pictures of my setup and ideas.

I'm really looking for someone who can be there to guide me and see everything that I see so the advice is consistant with my situation and I won't have to explain what im doing, what im growing and all the little details over and over to different people.


Active Member
Thats why you start a journal, keep it updated with current pics and progress. It would benifit not only you, but to fellow growers asking the same questions. I am 3 grows in and i still consider myself a newbie. But i have picked up a few things that i am happy to share with you. I am sure there are a lot of people that feel the same. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
there is a lot of good help here at RIU but i have not seen many growers on this site offer or like to be personal babysitters for a grow that ain't theirs. Informative information is on the site just have to look for it.

Good luck to you on your grow. and welcome to RIU