Hi, Will this work?

I am setting up a closet sized grow with 3-5 autoflowers will this work for the entire grow? thanks in advance for the input.. will be posting grow specifics including box construction when I finish gathering the rest of my materials.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to riu but why start a post when you're not ready with pics and info yet?


with three, depending on the height of the room and lights, yes. i dont know any specifics, but done right it will.


Active Member
In short hun... No..
Those are to increase spectrum and I have yet in at least 6 years of helping people, seen ANYONE do a successful grow with just 1 or two of those... They are great for side-lighting or to suppliant CFL lights...
IMO- You'd be better off with a T5 or 400w HPS...

What medium you growing in? Nutes & Suppliments? What strain you going with? Containers/system???

More info so we can help ay more! ;)


Active Member
OOPS! We posted at the same time!

If using a 600w in thet tiny space-- you best have a HUGE fan to exhaust it!! Or your space will become an EZ-bake oven... gotta cool the light and have sir in-air out of the space!!!

a 4 site DWC that size will do nicely IF you pick the right strains ...go for single-cola growers!
